Righteous Jealousy!

 Zechariah 8:2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was “jealous” for Zion with “great jealousy”, and I was jealous for her with “great fury”.


Zechariah 8:2 The Lord All-Powerful says, I have a very strong love for Mount Zion.  I love her so much that I became angry when she was not “faithful” to me.


"Righteous" Jealousy!


When “The Lord of Host” Is Jealous, That Is Serious Business!


When someone takes what “belongs to you” and

 “give it to another” and you become jealous; that is a “righteous jealousy”.

You “will” be jealous concerning that which you “Love”!

If you don’t Love it, you will not be Jealous concerning it.

Righteous Jealousy is not a weakness; it expresses “Sincerity & Truth”!


Jealousy - There are two types of Jealousy:

1.    Righteous – God like.

2.    Unrighteous - Satan like.


Righteous jealousy is what God has toward 

us when we love anybody or anything more than or instead of Him,

and when we be unfaithful to Him.


To make God jealous is “Very Dangerous”!

You do not want to make someone with that kind of “power” jealous!

It’s much worse than “walking on thin ice”.


Two Important Points:

1.    When God is pleased with you, “good things” happen to you.

2.    When God is displeased with you, “bad things” happen to you.


What Makes God Jealous Of Us?

The Short Answer “The Sin of Being Unfaithful”.

“Putting anybody or anything before Him in our heart (mind)”.


Sin – Having a god, instead of God.  

         Doing opposite or different than what God tell us.



Let us explore why God was Jealous of Mount Zion.


The things that made God jealous of Mount Zion,

 are the same things that makes God jealous of us.


God greatly blessed His people of Mount Zion and they had declared God to be their God.  God blessed His people with great material things, peace, security, good health, God had left nothing out.  Pretty much like He has done the United States.  Very rich. 


In the United States, we have ten times as much stuff in our houses than the next closest nation and we spend much more of the twenty-four hours that God give us working to get “more stuff” to bring into our houses. Sometimes we must discard stuff to make room for more stuff, and over half the stuff we got, we can’t tell you the last time we used it or wore it.


When the “time and health”,

God give us, is dominated by obtaining more stuff for ourselves to the point that we do not use any of the “time and health” to “Be” The Church.

This Will Make God Jealous! 


Concerning The People Of Mount Zion!

Religion and tradition had become the people’s god.

The material things that God blessed them with had become their god.

They worshiped God with their mouths, but their 

“heart” (mind) was far from Him.


“God knows when our heart (mind) leaves Him for a false god.”


When the things giving to us by God becomes our god,

The God of Heaven & Earth Will Be Jealous and 

He Will Cause “Bad Things” To Happen To Us!


Take Inventory of Your Heart (Mind) 

and make sure that only the God of Heaven & Earth is on 

“The Throne of Your Heart (Mind)”!



for The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!

And Watch What Happens!


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