When Truth And Deception Meet!

 John 4:16 & 17 Jesus told her, Go get your husband and come back.

                         The woman answered, But I have no husband.


When “Truth” And “Deception” Meet!



When “Light” Meets “Darkness”!


Our Daily Nugget lets us know that;

Motive is a place where “Truth & Deception Meets.

Motive is where God Looks To See “Why” we did it.



Why didn’t she mention anything about her past five husbands?

Why didn’t she mention that she was “shacking” with maybe number six husband?

From her answer, one could even “assume” she was a virgin.


Truth – God’s Word is Truth.  To deceive, in any form, is the opposite of truth.


Important Truths!

Just as fresh water and salt water cannot flow from the same faucet,

truth and deception cannot flow from the same mouth.

The mouth speaks what the heart (mind) is full of.


Deceive – To misled, to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness.


                 Lying is one of the most popular forms of deception, but there are many, 

                 many other forms of deception also; but deception is the sin.  Only telling

                 part truth, but withholding important parts of the truth purposely, is also 



In Our Daily Nugget, Jesus met a woman at a well, she came there to draw water.  She and Jesus engaged in a conversation where Jesus told her about some “living water”, she asked Him to give her some of this “living water”.


At this point Jesus said to her, go get your husband.  She said, I have no husband.  This was a true statement, but only part truth (deception).  Jesus knew her past; she did not know that Jesus knew her past.  


Jesus said, you said right, you have had five husbands and the one you are living with now is not your husband.   


“Right Here”, we see 

“Truth Meeting Deception”, “Light Meeting Darkness”!


Darkness and light cannot occupy the same place at the same time. 

The darkness already knows that whenever the light comes that it must go

When the woman knew that Jesus knew the “truth” concerning her husbands, she dare not attempt to deceive him anymore.  The darkness of deceit will always leave when the light of truth comes.


Always remember,

“The Word Is Enough”!


The “Power” Of Our Words Are Not In The “Volume” Of Our Words, 

But In, 

“Our Words”!


After Jesus Fasted in the wilderness, the devil came to Him to tempt Him.  Each time the devil tempted Jesus; Jesus spoke The Word “ONLY”.  We must depend on The Word only also.


In The Bible, Jesus told us this,

“I Only Speak What My Father Tell Me To Speak”.


Kingdom Citizens are only “Authorized” by God to use The Word!

Kingdom Citizens are not “Authorized” by God to use what we think or feel.


Jesus never used His interpretations nor His opinions in addressing darkness, and neither should we.  We are not born with knowledge of the Word, if we don’t study, we’ll never know it.  


In order to use The Word, we must “Study It" to "Know It". 

"Then", the Holy Spirit will lead our mouths to

“Speak” “What Our Hearts are Full Of”! 


It is our duty and obligation to 

The King 

to learn what we are to do and to do it with all our Might.



The Truth In Love.

All Day Long,

And Watch What Happens!




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