Love or Just Noise - The Way of Truth!

 We should “all love each other”.  This is not a new command.  It is the same command we had from the beginning. And loving means “living” the way he commanded us to “live”.  And God’s command is this: that you “live” a “life” of Love”.  You heard this command from the beginning.  (2 John 1:5&6)


Love or Just Noise - The Way of Truth!


If it ain’t “love” it is “just noise”.


Love is not “a feeling”!  Love is “action”!


Our Daily Nugget is commanding us to

“Live” a “Life” of “Love”!

This indicates a continuous action.


There are SOOO many different meanings of “love” and almost anything else.  For Kingdom Citizens to be on “One Accord” and for all of us to look like Jesus to The World; we must all base our actions on The Bible, while trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us in the Right Way.


Our Daily Nugget also tells us what “loving” means:

Loving means “Living” The Way God has commanded us to “Live”.

Its All About The Bible “First”.


Order is Critical!

God, The Bible, Must Be First.


Obeying religions and traditions,

without “first” obeying The Bible is “just noise”!


This “disorder” of activity by 

Kingdom Citizens makes us look just like The World, to The World.


Disorder of activity leads to what we’ve got,

divisions, arguments, insincerity, deception, much sin.

Grace, mercy nor peace will dwell with people who are guided by these spirits.


Grace mercy and peace will be with us 

“as we live” in “truth and love”!

When we “do not” live in truth and love

Grace, Mercy nor Peace will be with us.


God has told us, that He is no respecter of persons.

God Loves us all the same, like any good parent loves all their children the same. But also, God, like any good parent will reward and punish their children based on what they do and don’t do.


The Presence of Love Makes The World Go Round “Correctly”.

The Absence of Love Makes The World Go Round “Incorrectly”.


God has commanded us to:

Love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Love our neighbor as we love our self.



The Greatest Love That Is Wise For Us All To Desire and To Aspire, Is 

To Lay Down “Our Lives” For One Another.


Ask God Today to Bless you to,

Lay Down Your Life For Him Through Loving Others,

And Watch What Happens!


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