Spiritual Autoimmune Disease!

 If you continue hurting each other and tearing each other apart, be careful, or you will completely destroy each other. (Galatians 5:15)


Spiritual Autoimmune Disease!


A Condition where the Body or Spirit Attacks Itself!

In The Body of Christ - Are We There Yet?


In the scriptures before our Daily Nugget, Paul was trying to correct the bad understanding the people of Galatia had gotten from some men who had told them that they had to be “circumcised” to belong to Christ.  


This was the people’s “religions” and “traditions”.

Paul explained to them that now, in Christ, we have “Freedom” from the rules about circumcision.  


Paul also admonished the people to not use this Freedom as a 

“Cover To Commit Sin Today and Still Go To Heaven When We Die”.

Sound Familiar?


The desire to be inconsiderate to our neighbor grows as we continue to live in sin.

The demons controlling these desires will lead us to hurt one another and to tear each other apart. As these demons lead us to destroy one another, they are laughing having a good time destroying God’s Program, by having us fighting one another.


Satan truly love seeing God’s Children “Fight” Each Other!

As Long as we Fight One Another God’s Will, Will Not Be Done!

As long as religion and tradition are reigning in our hearts over

The Bible, we will continue to fight one another.


In our Society, 

To Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself Is Not Really Practiced, 

Even Among Kingdom Citizens.


If we do not Love our Neighbor, we will Hate our neighbor.

If we Hate our neighbor, we will Seek to Hurt our neighbor.


When I Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself:

1.      If I know that my neighbor has no food, I can’t be comfortable eating

without offering to share.

2.      My neighbor can dwell comfortable and safe next to me from harm.

3.      I will be “accommodating” to my neighbor.

4.      I will do nothing whatsoever to hurt my neighbor.


When I Do Not Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself.

1.      If I know that my neighbor has no food, I will be warm and comfortable

when I eat my food.

2.      Selfishness will guide my actions toward my neighbor, and they may or may

not be safe dwelling next to me.

3.      I will not be accommodating to my neighbor.

4.      I will take advantage of opportunity, even if it means hurting my neighbor.


God’s Rules and Instructions Are Designed to Protect Us, His Children.

We Design Our Rules and Instructions to Protect Our Children.

When Children Obey The Parent’s Rules and Instructions

God Has Promised That,

“Things will Go Well For Them and They Will Have A Long Life”.


Love is always The Way Out!

God is Love.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that,

If A Society Does Not Practice


Destruction is The Destiny of That Society.


We, Kingdom Citizens are Challenged With The Job To

“Show a Dark World What This Love Looks Like”.

Continued sin, in our lives will keep us acting like and looking like the world..


Commit Today to Walk in Love & Obedience.

Ask The Lord To Help You,

And Watch What Happens!










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