When "The Lord" is "My Shepherd"!

 The Lord is “My Shepherd”; I shall “Not Want”. (Psalms 23:1)



“The Lord” is “My Shepherd”!


When The Lord is not My Shepherd, I "Shall Want"!


Our Daily Nugget is telling us the 

When” The Lord is “Our Shepherd” That “We Shall Not Want”.


When Jesus was on earth He never “wanted” for anything.


When He “needed” Things, He just “Asked” God for it, and God gave it to Him.

God was Jesus’ Shepherd.

Now, When Jesus is our Shepherd, 

we can “Ask” Him, and He will give it to us the way God gave it to Him.


To be able to ask like this requires: Faith and Obedience, first.

Never focus on the problem, focus on the solution, “Our Shepherd”.


Lord - A master; a person possessing supreme power and authority; a ruler.

Shepherd - To watch over; protect the interest of.

Want - The state of not having; absence or scarcity of what is needed.


Jesus said, “We Have Not Because We “Ask” Not”!


Our Shepherd is “Able” to fill “any” need or desire or want that we have or can come up with.  Even though this is true, we still need to be wise and efficient, not foolish.

We are not to “put God to the test”.  God has got our back, but He don’t tolerate fools.


When The Lord Is My Shepherd:

1.      I can do all things.

2.      I don’t have fear, I have “Faith”.

3.      I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

4.      I walk by Faith, not by Sight.

5.      I can ask for “Anything” I Need”.

6.      I know that the “Old” is Gone, the “New” Is Here.

7.      I Hear and Obey The Holy Spirit.


God, like any parent, loves to give their children everything they ask for; especially when they are “Good Children”.  Good Children have a Heart (mind) to “Please their Parents”.  Bad children have a heart, mind to please themselves. 


When we have a a Heart, Mind to Please Our Shepherd, it will show itself in “How We Live”.  When we have a Heart, Mind to Please Our “Self”, it will show itself in “How We Live”.  


When The Lord is Our Shepherd and When The Lord is Not Our Shepherd,

Will Show Itself In “How We Live”.


The Bible says that, In Jesus We Are Complete!


Complete Means - Nothing Left Out!

Jesus Has Paid It All!


Ask Jesus to Bless You To 

“See Him” As The Shepherd That He Is,

All Day Long,

And Watch What Happens!





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