Are We There Yet!

 And God saw that the “wickedness” of man was “great” in the earth, and that every “imagination” of the “thoughts” of his “heart (mind)” was “only evil” “continually”.(Genesis 6:5)

The Lord saw that the people on earth were “very evil”.  He saw that they “thought” “only” about evil things “all the time”.  (Genesis 6:5)


Are We There Yet!


Our Daily Nugget 

is describing a terrible period in time, when mankind was extremely wicked and evil.  Their “thoughts” were “evil”, “continuously”, “always”.  God said that the things written in The Bible is to serve as a “warning” to us.  


Let our life be guided by: The Word and not The World.


Our Life Will Follow Our Focus!


To God, this was an extremely rough period for His Spirit to behold.

The “Prize” of God’s Creation; in “Total Rebellion” to Him.

The Bible say, rebellion is as “witchcraft”.

He did “Everything” right for them (us) and “Nothing Wrong”!

Yet, They (we) committed “Adultery”;

Yes, For They (we) Belonged to God & Gave Themselves (ourselves) to Another.


Let us look at some definitions:

Wicked–Thinking of bad, hurtful things to do to someone.

Imagination–The ability to form a mental image of something not present to the senses. 

Evil–Doing the wicked things thought of.

Thoughts–The fruit of our thinking process and the beginning of things.


Are we there yet?

They “chose” to live in rebellion.


Rebellion is a “state of mind” that occurs when the “demonic spirits” are guiding our “Thinking Process” and “all” of our waken moments are consumed with “thinking” of ways to make people hurt and to do wrong according to The Bible.


The more we “focus” on living “Biblical”, the more Biblical we will live.

The more we “focus” on living “Antibiblical”, the more Antibiblical we will live.

We “Control” what we “Think”!

Then, what we “Think” controls us! 


Therefore, learn to control your “Thinking Process”.

Then, with this control, “you set the boundaries of your life”.

Let us “Think” like Noah and chose Life through Obedience.

Let us “Not Think” like the world and chose death through disobedience.


Ask God to Bless you to

“Think” about things that leads to “Life”,

Ask Him to help you,

And Watch What Happens!


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