My Rights!

For you were called to freedom, brothers.  Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through “love” serve one another.  For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall “love” your neighbor as yourself”. (Galatians 5:13-14)


My Rights!


“Kingdom Citizens” Only Have “One Right”.

The Right “To Love”!


Part of “The Deal”,

of accepting God’s offer of Salvation is that we sold “ourselves” to Jesus, to be saved from spending eternity in hell; with all the pain and punishment that comes with being in hell.  “Ourself” include all of our mind (heart) and body, and 

“Our Rights”. 


Therefore, I no longer own myself. 

The one who owns me now have given me “One Right”; that is “To Love!

This love expresses itself through me serving my neighbor.


Normally when people use the term “My Rights”, they are talking about something that “they want to do for them”, and they normally say it at a time when they are being opposed.  Since it is “my right” you do not have any authority to tell me “No”.  This indicates that a “selfish spirit” is at the front of my rights. 


From the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, 

until we physically die, what do we do?

We Keep “The Charge of The Lord”, that is what we do!  

This Charge of The Lord is also The Law of The Kingdom.

The Law of The Kingdom is 



In The Kingdom, “If it ain’t love, it’s just noise”.

Kingdom Citizens claiming “any” other rights is “just noise”.


Jesus was described as “the suffering servant”, because He was always “dying to self” for the salvation of others.  Dying to self means, forsaking what I want or need or has earned, so that I can make sure that “You are okay and better off”.  Selfishness and greed will not allow us to develop a “suffering servant” spirit.


When the world sees us Kingdom Citizens living like this it will appear odd to them, different than the way they see everybody else living, “peculiar is the way we will look to them”.  The world is into a me, me, me spirit. This “peculiar appearance” is “light” that will draw a dark world to The Light, Jesus.


Jesus, The Christ, died for “all” of our sins; this gives us freedom. 


Our Daily Nugget

is also instructing us to not use this freedom as an opportunity to 

“satisfy the desires of the flesh”, “to sin”. 


Jesus did not suffer and die 

so that we can sin as much as we like and still go to Heaven when we die.

The wage of sin is still death.


Our Love for God and Our Love for Our Neighbors is the “Only Proof” that we “Know Him”.  There is “Knowing Him” and there is “Knowing of Him”.  


Those who “Know Him” will show it in their “lifestyle”, 

they will spend eternity with Him.

Those who only “Know of Him”, will show it in their “lifestyle”,

they will spend eternity with Satan.


Thank God that you “Know Him”.

Ask God to bless you to show that you “Know Him” in your “lifestyle”,

And Watch What Happens!




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