
 There is “No Peace”, saith The Lord unto the “wicked”.  (Isaiah 48:22)





We Need Peace!

Peace is too often taken for granted, until there is “No Peace”.


Our Daily Nugget is Isaiah’s pronouncement that “God Rules His World” and was calling Israel to task for not walking in “obedience” to His Commands. Israel was not “honest” nor “sincere” in their honor and worship of God. They honored God with their “mouths” but their “minds” (heart) where far from Him. 


The people were “Stubborn Hippocrates”.

God’s effort is to make the people, us, “pure” by punishing them, us!

If we are not walking in obedience, we are walking in disobedience.

Walking in disobedience can qualify one, by God, as “wicked”.


Peace – Is “knowing” that the Lord of the universe is by our side and resting in that.  It is not just knowing, but it is also “living it out”. Peace is sitting in comfort and knowing that God is next to us. “There is no peace for the wicked”.


Wicked – Departure from the rules of the “divine law” (The Bible); evil disposition (evil attitude) or evil practices (lifestyle).  “Thinking” of hurtful, harmful, bad things to do to people; the reason cannot justify being wicked.


God classify my thinking and action as wicked, I don’t.


God loves the wicked, like a father loves a “bad” son.  The father has been told by God, that if he spared the rod on this “bad” son that he would ruin him by not punishing him, to make him obey or be pure.  God loves us more than we can know; and He will punish us in ways we could never imagine.


Does your life “always” seem like you are “chasing the wind”?

If so, maybe it is because you are “wicked”.

Are you living in “rebellion” to God’s Commands?

If so, God classify you as wicked.


The wicked will receive what God sends to the wicked.  God is no “respecter” of persons; this means that it doesn’t matter who you are, nor who you think you are.  A stubborn son will be punished greatly.  A son who repents, meaning to turn away from that wrong doing, can be forgiven and maybe avoid the punishment.


The people that Isaiah was delivering this message to had turned away from walking in obedience to God, to living a life focused on satisfying self, in direct disobedience to God’s commands.


I can “feel” like I am a good person and not wicked all I want,

that “feeling” carries no weight with God.

We are declared wicked based on what we think and do.


Peace is like precious gold to the Kingdom Citizen, for many reasons.

We teach our children what we are and God holds us responsible for what we teach

“His Children”.

The last thing we want to do is to teach God’s Children to be wicked;

But we will teach them “what we are”!

We Have No Choice!


Pray that God will bless you to

“See yourself the way He See yourself’,

And where “wickedness” exists, ask Him to “Remove It”,

And Watch What Happens!


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