To Abide!

If you “abide” in me, and my “Words” “abide” in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:7)


To Abide!



To abide is a verb.  It is active.  Abiding in Christ is not a feeling or a belief; but something we do.  It means to remain or stay. 


We will abide in “The Light” or we will abide in “The Dark”!

These are the only two places available for us to abide in.

We will abide where we “focus” on “The Most”!


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that;

If we “Keep” our “Thinking” on Jesus, 

and “The Bible’s Instructions” are “Kept” in the forefront of our “Minds”;

“We Can Ask For Whatever We Want And It Will Be Done For Us”!

How Would You Like That?

If you are willing to “die to self”, daily, Jesus will give you this ability.


We Really Are “Somebody” in “Christ”!

But it is all conditional on the fact that we accept the “conditions” in The Bible!


The Conditions!

The Vine (Us) Must Abide, Stay “Attached” To The Branch (Jesus) For “Life”.

The Vine Is Supposed To Stay Attached And Not Go Off On Its Own!

Jesus said that, 

My Sheep hear “my voice” (The Bible) and none other will they follow.


The “Victory” Lies In Abiding “In Jesus”!

The battle is not ours but The Lord’s; important to remember.


When we are “squeezed” in life, that which is on the “inside” comes “out”!

When we are squeezed, everybody will “see” where we have been abiding!

Will it be The Word or The World? 

Will I look like Jesus or Satan? 

It will depend on where we have been “abiding!


It is how we “act” and “react” 

that lets us know if we are abiding in the Word or the World. 

Our actions and reactions based on The Bible are The Word.

Our actions and reactions based on “Anything” outside The Bible is “The World”!


When We Abide in Jesus, Jesus Knows That He Can “Trust Us” With the ability to have whatever we ask for.  It is similar to getting trained to use the weapons of war, before being given the weapons of war.


If the first thing I ask for is a million dollars for me, this will probably give Jesus a hint that He really should not trust me; due to my primary focus is on “myself” and not Him.


Jesus Have Been Given All Power From God For Us;

That we might be Kingdom Citizens and Soldiers while we are here on earth.


Let us abide in Him, so that He can Abide in Us.

Jesus abiding in each Kingdom Citizen will provide the 

“Exact Amount Of Light The World Needs To Overcome the Darkness”.


Ask God to Bless You to 

“Man”, “Woman”

Your Position, by “Abiding in Him”

And Watch What Happens!



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