
Why am I so sad?  Why am I so upset?  I tell myself, “Wait for God’s Help”.  

(Psalms 42:5)




Thinking is Spiritual Activity.

The Spirit World Controls The Physical World. 

Bad, Wrong, Unbiblical “Thinking” Leads To Depression!


Social Media has provided an excellent platform for 

“Much Dark Thinking and Dark Actions” to occur and flourish. 


Demonic spirits lead their “willing host” to believe that they can do wrong and nobody will find out.  Much “provisions for the flesh” are made on social media.  The Spirit of God is everywhere and knows everything.  


Social media is not good nor bad, demons know that it is an excellent place to keep its host’s attention on.  The demons will easily lead its host to spend three or four hours on social media attempting to satisfy self; but the demons will make its host “feel like” it does not have three or four minutes to “Read The Bible”.


There Is No Such Thing As A Secret!


 Society Today is in a “Serious Epidemic Of Depression”!

Our Society Today Spends A “Great Deal of Time” Focusing On Darkness.

Focusing on “Doing Wrong” Will Lead To Depression.


Our Life or Death Follows Our “Focus”!

“Never” Allow Your Focus To Be On Your “Feelings”!

Feelings Are Not Real, They Lead To Darkness; Where Selfishness Grows!


Depression Lives at The “Finish Line” of Selfishness.

We Become Depressed As We “Hear and Obey” The Demonic Spirits.


Depression – A “mood” disorder; that causes a “persistent feeling” of sadness and loss of interest.  It affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of “emotional” and “physical problems” (sickness).  It causes people to “feel” as if life isn’t worth living.


Mood – A feeling or a temporary state of mind.  My “current” way of “thinking”.


Our Daily Nugget

Ask Two Questions and It Gives The Answer To Them.


Why am I so sad?  Why Am I So Upset?  I Will Wait On The Lord!


Why am I so sad?  A fruit of bad thinking.  God allows sadness and or sends sadness in our lives to get us to “slowdown” and focus on Him.

Why am I so upset?  A fruit of bad thinking. The demonic spirits that we obey loves an environment where everybody is mad at each other, blaming each other and pointing the finger at each other.


Give Your Life To God;

The Road From Depression To Contentment, Joy and Rejoicing!

First Thing, Every Morning ask The Lord to Help You.


I Will Wait On The Lord; 

to send me what I was seeking on social media.

I will “Only” seek my happiness in “My Lord”!

I will utilize The Bible for my direction and for my protection.


I will make Jesus, my Lover and my Lord!

I will spend “time” with My Lover; this will keep me joyful.

I will obey My Lord.

This environment protects me from the demonic spirits.


To the demonic spirits that I have obeyed which has led me to be sad and upset;

To you I say, In Jesus Name, 

“You Must Go Now”!


Ask God to Bless you with The Wisdom

To Detect and Defeat Satan on Every Hand, And

Watch What Happens!





  1. This blog is much needed..its strang how a person can be mentally fine..but when it's Christmas..Valentines here a song or watch a movie..your mind will play tricks of the enemy on you..telling you that you lack friends..things..and even love..But God will steer you in the right direction and path


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