The First!

 If the “first” piece of bread is given to God, then the whole loaf is His also, and if the roots of a tree are offered to God, the branches are His.  (Romans 11:16)




Give God “The First”!

God “Demands” and “Deserves” The First!

“Whatever” you want “Blessed”, “Give It To God First”!


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that if we

Honor God” 

by giving Him “The First” of “The Thing We Value”; 

that He will “See To It” that the Whole is Blessed and Protected.


The Best Insurance for A Good Tomorrow is a “Well Lived Today”!

The Best Insurance for Living Today Well is to,

“Give Today To God, First Thing In The Morning”, 

Now Everything “You Do” is directed by The Holy Spirit, because you gave 

“The First Of Your Day To God”! 


When we give the first of anything we have to God, God commits Himself to the “well-being” of the rest of it.  God require the first ten percent of our increase, rather its money, land, time, however we increase; He promises to bless the rest.  


God told the widow woman who had just a little meal, barely enough for she and her child, to fix some bread for “Me First” (the prophet), she did, and her meal never ran out, as “The Rest” was “Blessed by God”; as she gave to God First.


Why Does God Require Us To Give “The First To Him”!


Giving to God First, is Evidence that I place my “Trust in God” and not the thing.

The first of the Ten Commandments is that we have no other god before God.

Anything we put our trust in before God, can become our god; our god cannot deliver; and placing any god, before God makes God Jealous.


Many things can become our god:

Money                 Cars                      Our Religions                Our Reputation

Status                   Houses                 Our Traditions               Our Pride

Looks                  Our Bodies           Our Feelings                  Our Friends


The Bible tells us not to Love The World or Anything in It.

Nobody would probably admit that they Love The World or the Things in It.

God will judge our actions, based on our “Motives”!

God knows “The Why”?


Our “Motives” Must Be Based on “Sincerity” and “Truth”!

When our actions are based on 

Sincerity and Truth

“The Why”

Is Pleasing To God.


When I Give The First to God; 

it shows that the “demons of selfishness and greed”, did not win, 

the Holy Spirit won.

When I give The First to God,

it shows that I do not Love the World or the Things in It.


Putting “God First”, is evidence that I have not placed “Me First”.


“First Thing”, “Each Morning”,

Commit, Trust, your Actions and your Transactions to The Lord;

This is Giving Him The First Slice of Our Day, Now Our Day Belongs To Him.

Now, Watch What Happens!


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