The Forgiver!

For if you “forgive” other people when they sin against you, your heavenly father “will” also “forgive you”.  But if you “do not” “forgive” others their sins, your Father “will not” forgive your sins.  (Matthew 6:14-15)


The Forgiver!


Our Daily Nugget

Speaks about the Forgiver and the Forgiven; We will focus on the “Forgiver”. 


We All Need To Be A Forgiver!

We All Need To Be Forgiven!


If I refuse to be a “forgiver”, I will never be “forgiven”!


If I add “all” the sins people have committed against me together, 

they would be a “drop in the bucket” compared to all the sins I have committed against God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit!


When I, the forgiver, forgives a person, I benefit more than the person forgiven!

When I refuse to forgive you, 

I am the one who losses; for I have made God my enemy by trying to play God.  

How long will I “punish” you, this time?

As a Kingdom Citizen my job is to “Obey God”, not to try to “Play God”.


I am “too guilty” myself, to try to play God!


Wisdom will “always” lead me to forgive you!

Foolishness will “always’ lead me to not forgive you.

Foolishness is demonic; straight from Satan!

Wisdom is “Divine”, straight from God.


Refusing to Forgive is a “weakness”, not a “strength”.

Refusing to Forgive is “evidence that I have obeyed the demons speaking to me".


Humility is Strength!

A Humbled Heart, (Mind) is evidence of a “Forgiving Spirit”!

A Heart (Mind) that “needs to be humbled”, is evidence of a “Unforgiving Spirit”!

God forgives the humble and humbles the Proud!

Nobody in their right mind wants God to “Humble Them”!

Refusing to Forgive Others

is my way of telling God that I will not Obey Your Command To

“Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself”!


When I refuse to forgive you; 

I am telling God that it is okay with me for you (God) to refuse to forgive me.


When we all Forgive One Another; 

we can all experience the joy, peace, happiness, unity, harmony, oneness, community, the help, the inspiration, the wisdom, the holiness, the mercies, the Love, etc., that comes when we 

“Love Our Neighbors As We Love Ourself”!


God wants us to enjoy the 

“Blessings”, the “Benefits”, The “Rewards”, “The Saving Power”, in Forgiving.


By “remembering” and “focusing” on what “we have been forgiven of” should be inspiration enough to humble ourselves to forgive.  If a thankful heart (mind) is not enough to lead us to a forgiving spirit then consider this.


We Teach Our Children What We Are!

If I “choose” to be a “Willing Host” for the Spirit of Unforgiveness to Live In Me;

“I Will” teach my children how to be a 

"Willing Host" to have a “Unforgiving Spirit” to live in them.

Look down through the generations, and you will find this to be so.

God gets mad at us, when we teach “His Children” to have a “Unforgiving Spirit”!

God has left "His Children" in our care and custody; 

He Will Hold Us Responsible.


Set Yourself and Your Children Free Today,

Ask God To Bless You With A

“Forgiving Spirit”

And Watch What Happens!


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