Fishers Of Men!

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand”.  And he saith unto them, “Follow Me”, and “I Will” make you “Fishers of Men”.  (Matthew 4:17&19).


Fishers Of Men!


Our Daily Nugget

picks up right after Jesus had fasted forty days and was tempted by the devil.  Jesus used “The Word”, scriptures only, to counter each one of Satan’s temptations.  This is how Jesus resisted the Devil, with The Bible.  

Jesus said that if we Resist the Devil, that he would “flee” from us.


Our Daily Nugget is stating that; from that time Jesus began to preach and to say

“Repent, For The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand”!

Jesus is announcing that He is bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth;

And that the only way to enter the Kingdom is to Repent, 

“To Change Our Way Of Thinking”.

This will change the way we Live.


We must change our way of Thinking from

The World’s Way to the Word’s Way!


We are commanded to “Follow Christ”; as we Follow Christ,

Jesus, The Christ Will Make Us “Fishers of Men”.

Following Christ is “Living” based on The Bible Only.


It is the duty of The Kingdom Citizens to spend their lives “Fishing For Men”.  The Bible tells us the Type of Fishing Supplies we need; whatever the job or duty, the situation requires, we Kingdom Citizens get our needs, our supplies, from the Kingdom Storehouse.  We pray to the Father, in the name of The Son, and it will be given to us.


A Christian, by definition, is “A Follower of Christ”!

Christ, Makes His Followers Fishers of Men; The Followers “do not” Make Themselves Fishers of Men!  

A man cannot make a man a Fisherman, nor can man-made rules!


There is No Greater Desire,

Wisdom says, then to “Desire” to be A Fisher of Men!

“All of Heaven” Rejoice When One Man Is Caught!


We Must Study The Bible to be “Approved” for this duty or job.

Fishers of Men “Line Their Nets with The Word Only”!

The Word Is “Enough”!

The next thing they do is, “Keep Their Eyes Stayed On Jesus”!

By keeping our eyes stayed on Jesus 

we are able to walk on the problems of life, instead of sinking into them.


By Studying The Word, “We Learn How To Fish”!


Fishers of Men “Listens”, for 

The Holy Spirit

To “tell them” “where to cast their nets”!


Imagine The Joy Of Your First Catch; Your Joy and Heaven’s Joy!


Ask God to Bless you to “Hear and Obey” the Holy Spirit

As He Instructs You Where to Cast Your Net,

And Watch What Happens!


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