
Live in harmony with each other.  Do not be arrogant, but associate with humble people.  Do not think that you are wiser than you are. (Romans 12:16)




“Live In Harmony”!


To Live in Harmony means to be

 “Same Thinking” or be “Of One Mind”!

The Bible “must” be the Standard for Harmony to Exist.


To Live in Harmony With Each Other

Requires that Everyone Strives To Sincerely Obey The Command To;

Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself!

Jesus said; As I Have Loved You, So You Must Love One Another!


Our Daily Nugget

is God telling us through Paul that we are to “live in harmony with each other”; and “not to be arrogant”; but to “associate with humble people”. And “do not think you are wiser than you are”.  In this verse we have these “three legs” that “Harmony” stands on.


1.    Not to be arrogant – Is when a person has an inflated opinion of his abilities or possessions.  Not quite the same as pride, similar.

2.    Associate with humble people – Birds of a Feather Flocks Together.  We are all “contagious” to each other.  If you are humble that helps me in my humility.  If you are pride filled that helps me to be pride filled.

3.    Do not “Think” that you are wiser than you are – We must always give God the glory for anything that we do.  We are not wise enough to be able to stand up or set down without God.


In each of the three requirements for “Harmony” to exist, we see “Pride” as a consistent Enemy to Harmony.  Selfishness is a major ingredient in pride.  The demon of Selfishness will never allow me to Love You as I Love Me.


Kingdom Citizens “Living In Harmony”

Is a Kingdom of People Enjoying and Living The

“Fruits of The Spirit”; Love, Joy, Peace, etc.!


Through our “Thinking” we “Set The Boundaries of Our Lives”!!

The Bible Tells Us To “Think” On These Things!

1.    Things that are true.

2.    Things that are honest.

3.    Things that are just.

4.    Things that are pure.

5.    Things that are lovely.

6.    Things that are of good report.

7.    Things that have virtue.

8.    Things that are praise worthy.


As we fill our Thinking Process by, Thinking on these things;

These Things began to

 “Unfold In Our Living”, they become “Our Life Style”.


Thinking on These Things, are the “Raw Material” that is going into our Thinking Process, which leads to the formation of our “Thoughts”.  Thoughts are the “beginning of things”.  Whatever you want, ask God for it and doubt not.


To Live in Harmony is to Live in 



Ask God to Bless You To 

Live In Harmony,

And Watch What Happens.


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