Immanuel - God With Us!

The virgin will be pregnant and will give birth to a son.  They will name him Immanuel. (Immanuel means “God With Us”) (Matthew 1:23)




God With Us!


I Can Do “All” Things Through Immanuel, Who Strengthens Me.


Our Daily Nugget is God, using Matthew to give us the “Family History of Jesus the Messiah”.  By giving us the Family History, God is showing how Jesus is “The Link”, tying, binding the Old Testament to the New Testament.  The family of Jesus is traced back to Abraham.  Everything in the Old Testament points to “The Cross”; in the New Testament.


Joseph and Mary were engaged to be married; Joseph believed Mary was a virgin, Mary knew she was a virgin; but she was with child.  Joseph was not buying the story of “something coming over her and got her pregnant”, and was preparing to call off the wedding because he believed her to be unfaithful. An Angel from the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and confirmed to him, that what Mary said was true.


Our Daily Nugget

is also telling us that through Immanuel, Jesus, 

“God is With Us”!

If I had a thousand tongues, I could not Thank God enough for this blessing.


With – A “participant”, a “partner”, in an action or transaction.


When God is “With Us” the demons know it.

When God is “Not With Us” the demons know it.


When God is “with us”, the demons do what we tell them.

When God is “not with us”, we do what the demons tell us.


Always remember that we Kingdom Citizens are in a 

“State of War With The Demonic World”;

This War is Nonstop. 



This is a Spiritual War, fought 

in the Mind (Heart) through “Thinking”, we tell who won or lost by our actions.


It is through Christ that we can do all things; because God is With Us.  We “hold up the blood-stained banner” by obeying the commands to Love.  “Love” is what controls and direct the Lives, Living of Kingdom Citizens.


Love is “Light”, and will lead a “Dark World” to Jesus, Immanuel!


We, Kingdom Citizens, 

must live

in a way that “allows” God’s Light to shine through Us!


A “sin-filled life” prevents God’s Light from shining through us.


When we profess to be Kingdom Citizens and allow our lives to be directed by demonic spirits instead of the Holy Spirit; the Bible say we are liars when we say we believe.  In this case God is not with us and the demonic world knows it, 

even if we don’t.


It is God’s Good Pleasure to Give Us The Kingdom!


Ask God to Bless you to Honor Him, By Living A Life That says, 

“God is With Me”!

And Watch What Happens!



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