A Lion's Heart (Mind)!

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the “righteous” are as bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)


A Lion’s Heart (Mind)!


Jesus had a heart (mind) of Love.

The “Heart (mind), the “Command Center of The Soul!

The “War Room”!


Victory and Defeat starts in “The Mind (Heart)”!

Doing right and doing wrong starts in the Mind (Heart)


To “Obtain” and to “Maintain” a Lion’s Heart, we must “Walk in The Light”!

To walk in the light, requires that we die to self.


The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them.  Why?  When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they “fled” from God.  God was not chasing them, but they had done wrong and they “knew it”.  The wrong always wants to “flee” from the right.


A wicked man cannot possess a “Lion’s Heart (Mind)”!

Righteousness and Honesty leads to the development of “A Lion’s Heart” (Mind)!


Correct “Thinking” is The Key to A Lion’s Heart (Mind)!


Whatever, we fill our hearts, (minds) with, that is what we will be!

The Bible instructs us to let the Heart (mind) of Jesus, the Christ be in us.

Jesus was called, “The Lion of Judea”.

Jesus had a heart (mind) of Love.


God is calling for “Believers” to have “A Lion’s Heart”! 

“To Go and Redeem His Kingdom On Earth, back unto Him! 


Lions do not Fear.  

The Bible says; There is no fear in Love.

Therefore, we do not fear, fear; because we “love”!

Love and Fear cannot occupy, the same place, at the same time!

A Lion’s Heart (Mind) is a “Servant’s Heart (Mind)”!


Lions “Simply Live Their Purpose”!

Lions did not make themselves “top predators”.

Lions do not try to act tough; they just are; they “Live Their Purpose”.


When we are “committed” to “Living Our Purpose”, God will give us a “Lion’s Heart (Mind)”.  Then, we can live the scripture that says, “I Can do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”.



I can be given a Lion’s Heart (Mind, Will), I “must” die to My Heart (Mind, Will).


The wicked will run away when the wolves come, 

but the righteous will stand, like a Lion.  The Bible says that we have “Right Living” as our “Weapon”, to attack with and to defend ourselves with.


Know “Wicked” and make sure it is not you!

Wicked – “Thinking Up” bad, hurtful, harmful, unpleasant things to do to another.

Honestly answer this question, “Am I Wicked”?

The Bible talks a great deal about wicked, and so should we, to avoid it.


When Jesus Comes Back, The Wicked Is Not Going with Him!  

The wicked is not what they think they are, the wicked is what they are.

Wickedness shows itself in “evil” actions toward people. 

The wicked are not Saved.


Ask God to Bless you to be “Free Of”

“A Wicked Spirit” and to be filled with “A Right Spirit”

And Watch What Happens!


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