God "Enjoys Giving"!

Do any of you need wisdom?  Ask God for it.  He is “generous” and “enjoys giving” to everyone.  So, he will give you wisdom.  (James 1:5)



God “Enjoys Giving”!


God is Generous!

We “do not bug God” when we ask Him for something.


The Bible say,

“Wisdom” is the “Principal or Most Important Thing”; therefore, get Wisdom!

When wisdom is absent, foolishness fills the void.



A capacity of the mind that allows us to understand life from God’s Perspective.

The “capacity” to make “due use” of knowledge (information).

Wisdom is the opposite of “foolish”.

We all chose to be “wise” or we chose to be “foolish”.

It is our “actions” that shows which we chose!


We need wisdom to “show us the way”!

It is foolishness to “assume” we already know the way.


It is also wisdom to develop a “habit”, develop it to the point that asking becomes an “automatic” response like walking and talking, of asking God for 

“everything”, “anything”.


Even though God has a whole world to run, 

He “delights” in being “intricately involved in every single facet of our lives”.


He is standing at 

the door of our minds (heart), “knocking, wanting to come in and hang with us”.


God enjoys giving; and he tells us that it is better to give than to receive.

The More you give; the More He gives to you.

The only reason I have anything to give, is because he gave to me first.

Through everybody giving, everybody is taken care of.


We all came into this world naked, 

therefore, anything we have “control” of belongs to God, 

and is for the benefit of us and others.

As children of God, it is wise to “imitate” our Father, as best we can!


Our Daily Nugget

tells us that God is “generous” and He “enjoys giving to everyone”.  God tells us that He “Loves” a “Cheerful Giver”.  To be a cheerful giver is one of the best things we could ever do for ourselves.  To be a generous giver and to enjoy giving to everyone, is “great wisdom”.


Whose math do we use?

With the Word, God’s math, we must “give” to “get”, and we’ll have!

With the World, Man’s math, we must “get” and not “give”, and we’ll have!


Whose wisdom do we use?

The Word - I will have “more” because I gave that away.

The World - I will have “less” because I gave that away.


In our fallen state “to give” is not natural and works against our human nature.

God told us to “resist” the devil and he will “flee” from us.


Concerning giving, a great way to resist the devil is

every time the Holy Spirit tells you to give and the demonic spirit tells you not to give, give;

repeat this process until it becomes a habit, like walking and talking, automatic.


Ask God to Bless you to be a

“generous giver” who “enjoys giving to everyone”,

And Watch What Happens!


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