The Great "Rat's Race"!

But if you act like wild animals, hurting and harming each other, then watch out, or you will completely destroy one another.  (Galatians 5:15)



The Great “Rat’s Race”!


In a “Rat’s Race”, even the winner is “A Rat”!


Our Daily Nugget 

is letting us know that if we are not careful concerning our “desire” to accumulate things, that we could become so focused on accumulating things that we end up hurting and harming one another in our efforts to get things; even to the point of destroying one another.


Our “desire” to accumulate must never be greater than our “desire” to Love!


To “Love Our Neighbor As We Love Ourselves” will keep us “free” from

The Great Rat’s Race.

To Love The World and the Things in It, will keep us “trapped” in

The Great Rat’s Race.


I was having a conversation with a gentleman about life in our 

“capitalistic financial system”;

He shared with me an experience he had when he was visiting a Caribbean country.  The people there were very poor, many living in shanties; the gentlemen was amazed that the people were “so happy”. He stated to the driver concerning how happy the people were even though they hardly have any “material things”.  Compared to us in the United States, they have not accumulated a lot of things in life.


The driver further stated that the United Stated have turned into a Great Rat’s Race.  The gentlemen stated, yes but we win because we have so much.  The driver stated yes you win, you have so much, but in a Rat’s Race, “Even The Winner Is A Rat”.


We do not win when we get “our way”, we win when “God’s Will” is done!


The problem is not

God’s People having things, the problem is “things” having God’s People!



We must never allow the things that God has given us to become our god!

People in The Bible did this and things did not go well for them.

They ended up destroying one another.


We are all commanded to work to earn a living.

The Great Rat’s Race is not about working to earn a living.


The Great Rat’s Race is about me 

“looking at what my neighbor has, and I am no longer content with what I got”,

now, I must get more things, equal to or more then my neighbor to be content.  

My efforts to do this can lead me to destroy others.


The Bible says that “always wanting” more and more for ourselves is idolatry, the same as worshipping a false god.  We will never be able to focus on “living our purpose”, if “all of our focus”, “all of the time” is on accumulating things.  The Bible also says one of the main reasons we do this is due to “envy” of what our neighbor has.


We must always “Be Thankful” to God for what He has Blessed us with!


A Thankful Heart (Mind)

will show itself in joy, gladness, contentment, happiness, etc.


Ask God to Bless you with a 


spirit (mind), and that would avoid being caught in

“The Great Rat’s Race”

And Watch What Happens!


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