Importunity - "The Way To Pray"

 I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his “importunity” he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.  (Luke 11:8)


Importunity – "The Way To Pray"!


Our Daily Nugget

is part of Jesus’ answer to the disciples when they asked him to teach them “how to pray”.  Jesus started his answer in verse two and the answer to this question he finished in verse thirteen.  Within His answer is our Daily Nugget.  Jesus is telling his disciples and us to be “persistent” in our prayer request to God.


Importunity – “Persistence”, especially to the point of annoyance.

Intensity - How Bad do you really, really, “want it”?

Has a lot to do with, how soon you’ll get it.


I heard someone say that, if you know God hears you, you only need to ask God for something one time.  This might sound like it makes “good sense”, but it is “not scripture”; therefore, no matter how much good sense it makes, its wrong and that makes it “bad sense”.


Never let yourself “think” that you are wiser than you are,

simply obey The Bible and refuse to do wrong.  This is scripture and wisdom.


The opportunity to “pray” to an all-powerful God, who loves us and care for us, who created us and placed us on this earth to represent Him, is a great blessing.


Daniel prayed to God for the interpretation of a dream; he prayed for thirty-one days

before the Angel arrived with the answer.  The angel told Daniel that God sent him with the answer on the first day that he prayed, but Satan, the devil, fought with him in the spirit world to prevent the angel from delivering the answer.  What would have happened if Daniel only prayed that first day; “without importunity”?


Jesus, when he looked into the “cup” of suffering he had to endure, he prayed until “sweat” ran down his face like “drops of blood”.  Intensity in his prayer request to God was critical in his ability to “Carry His Cross”.  After his third time of going to God in prayer, he received what he needed for him to “Walk on by Faith”.  What would have happened if Jesus had only prayed the one time?

The ability to pray is “one of the greatest blessings” Jesus gave us!

Jesus said, pray to the father in the name of the son,

and that He will give us “the desires of our heart (mind)"!

What do you really want?  We should ask ourselves this, first thing each morning.

I want to look more and more like Jesus each day!

God gives us the “desires” of “our heart (mind)”.

We chose heaven or hell, based on our desires.


God loves for us to “ask Him for what we want!  We are not bugging God!

However, we do need to ask for the “right reasons”!

To love our neighbors as we love ourselves will keep the “right reason” in the forefront of our minds.


What needless pain we bear, because we do not take it to God and “leave” it there.

Do you want peace, do you want joy, do you want a contented spirit, do you want the needs of your children met?  Of course, we do.  It is all there for the “asking”.


Jesus said, you have not because you ask not!


Ask God to Bless You With A 

“Praying Spirit”

And Watch What Happens!


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