Treacherous Religious Leaders!

Many of the Jews heard that Jesus was in Bethany, so they went there to see him.  They also went there to see him.  They also went there to see Lazarus, the one Jesus raised from death.  So the “leading priests” made plans to kill Lazarus too. Because of him, many Jews were leaving them and believing in Jesus.  That is why they wanted to kill Lazarus too.  (John 12:9-11)



“Treacherous” Religious Leaders!


The Bible say, it is not good when the leaders lie!

There is nothing new under the sun, including Treacherous Religious Leaders.


Treacherous – Guilty of or involving “deception”!


In our Daily Nugget

we see the religious leaders, “the leading priests”, making “wicked plans” to “kill” Jesus and Lazarus because the people were leaving them (the darkness) for Jesus (the Light).  The religious leaders placed their “faith” and “trust” in the government (the world) to get what they wanted, and they used the demon of “deception” to fulfill their “wicked plans”.


Whenever we use deception to get what we what, we are living just like the

Treacherous Religious Leaders.


Pray that our “Religious Leaders” 

today would get “out of bed” with the government.


This scripture is for the heart (mind) who has chosen deception, or who might choose deception to get what they want.  Kingdom Citizens “trust” God to meet their needs and to give them what they want. People who are not Kingdom Citizens trust and use “deception” to meet their needs or to get what they want.


To them, the world; “the slickest spirit wins”!


For the Kingdom Citizen, the end does not justify the means.

The Kingdom Citizen understand that, when we get what we want through deception, that it was given to us by Demons, not given to us by God, 

and it will not benefit us; actually, God will make sure that it will work against us.

It is like “fool’s gold”, worthless.

Where are those “religious leaders today”?

Jesus said that, everybody who call me Lord, Lord, will not

enter the Kingdom, but “only” those who “do” what my Father tells them to do.


Jesus knows if we are “Real” or “Memorex”!

The Real “obeys”, the Memorex does not “obey”!


These religious leaders are what the Bible calls “false teachers”!

The Bible instructs us to beware of false teachers; they present themselves as ones working for God, but inwardly they are like wolves, looking for the opportunity to pounce on those who desire to give their heart (mind) to God. 


Jesus told us that,

the things they do to Him, that they would do it to us,

“When we walk and talk like Him”; welcome it!


We, Kingdom Citizens, 

do not fret at what the world will do to us for living and talking like Jesus, for we know that he who is with us and in us are greater than those who are against us.


A “desire” for sincerity and truth 

will keep us safe from believing in and obeying the “demon of deception”.


Ask God to Bless 

you to walk in “Sincerity and Truth”, all day,

And Watch What Happens!


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