
Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that “keepth” the law, happy is he.  (Proverbs 29:18)

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who needs wisdom’s instruction. (NIV)

Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.  (ESV) 




Without “vision” 

we do not know where we are going; and will have no idea when we get there!


Vision-The faculty or state of being able to “see”.

           The ability to think about or plain the future with imagination or wisdom.

Perish-Suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.

           Suffer complete ruin or destruction.


Our Life “follows” our Focus!

Our Death “follows” our Focus!

As long as we are focused on the Light, we will be heading toward the Light!


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know two things: Firstly, that without one revealing God’s Word or bringing God’s Prophetic Vision to the people, that the people will stop walking in the light of obedience to God’s Word and will live based on what seems right in their own eyes.  Secondly, walking in obedience to God’s Word, the people will be blessed and happy and joyful.


A lack of vision is a lack of revelation from God!

The Word of God are like a “guardrail” to keep the people from “living wild”.

From living like people who don’t know God.


Where there is “no vision” the people “cannot see”!


The vision is normally brought by the one in charge!

If the one in charge has no vision, the people will live wild, without restraint!

Living without restraint means, I do what I want to do, no matter what God says.


The wages of sin, will always be death.

The vision for Kingdom Citizens 

are found in The Bible, God’s Instruction Manual; happy, blessed are those who

“Learn It and Obey It”!


When Moses left the people and went off to spend time with God, the people cast off restraint from doing wrong and started living in opposition to God.  Moses was the one God gave His visions to for the people. 


When there is no one leading the people or are not leading according to the Word, the people will do what seems right in their “own eyes”.  With our “own eyes” we cannot see “spiritual things”.


When we cannot see spiritual things, we will live and look just like the world!


A person who says,

they are a Kingdom Citizen, and live just like the world, are called a “liar” by God.


Fresh water and salt water cannot flow from the same faucet.

What you do, speak so loud, till I can’t hear what you say.


Ask God to Bless You to

Live in obedience to the “visions” from The Bible and from The Holy Spirit,

And Watch How Happy and Content You Will Be All Day!






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