Get Your "Great Blessings"!

Great blessings belong to those who “don’t listen” to evil advice, who “don’t live” like sinners, and who “don’t join” those who make fun of God.  Instead, they “love” the Lord’s teachings and “think” about them day and night.  (Psalms 1:1&2)



Get Your “Great Blessings”!


Great Blessings Follow “Wise” Actions!

Forfeited Blessings and Curses Follow “Foolish” Actions!


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us what we must do to get Great Blessing and what we must not do to keep our Great Blessings from being forfeited.  Sin and foolishness will cause us to miss out on the Great Blessings God has for us.


God has Great Blessings for wise actions and Great Curses for foolish actions!


Our “Thinking” determines the “path” we chose.

Great Blessings or Great Curses!


Great blessings and/or great curses is the “fruit” of our Thinking Process.  The things we think about lays the “foundation” for our living, and if we will receive great blessings or great curses.


The Characteristics of People to receive Great Blessings:

1.    They don’t listen to evil advise.

Listening to evil advise is never beneficial and will always work against you.

Evil – A lack of goodness.  Moral evil is not a physical thing; it is a lack of a good thing.  Anything that causes suffering, and for any reason.  People who give evil advise are obeying the demonic spirits leading them.  

Are You Evil?

2.    They don’t live like sinners.  Sinners live like sinners, saved people live like saved people.  Saved people do not live like sinners and sinners do not live like saved people.  The Bible says, concerning the Christians, that the “old is gone” and the “new has come”.  What’s new in you?

There “must” be a “change”!  How do you live?

3.    They don’t join those who “make fun of God”.  They do not sit in the seat of the scornful.  Scornful – Open dislike and disrespect or mockery, often mixed with indignation.  A pride filled spirit leads a person to make fun of God.  Openly, living in opposition to God’s Word is to disrespect and mock God.

It is “very foolish” and “extremely dangerous” to mock God. 


The Characteristics of People to receive Great Blessings:

1.    They love the Lord’s “teachings”.  Before we can love the Lord’s teachings, we must have spent time in his Word.  We learn to love the things we focus on or do, over and over and over.  Love is not a feeling, it is an action, and it is through doing, that we prove or demonstrate our love or lack thereof for God.

2.    They “think” about the Lord’s Teaching “day and night”.  Our life and living follows our “focus”.  That which we “think” about shows itself in our living.  Our thinking forms our “thoughts”; our thoughts are the beginning of the things we do.  Thinking about the Lord’s Teachings “day and night” will lead us to live a life of “love”.


The mouth speaks what the heart, mind is full of!


God has placed us in the driver’s seat, as to rather we receive

Great Blessings or Great Curses!


The Great Blessings and/or Great Curses we receive 

are never just confined to us; they extend throughout our household and to people we be with a lot.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to Live In A Way To Receive

The Great Blessings That He Has in Store for You

And Watch What Happens!


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