
He that deviseth to do “evil” shall be called a “mischievous person”. (Pro. 24:8)

In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. (Pro. 24:8)

Their hands are dirty with evil schemes, and they constantly take bribes. (Pro. 24:8)




To be mischievous is to be “evil”.

Mischief – Hurt; harm; injury; damage; evil, whether intended or not.

Anything that contradicts the Holy Nature of God is evil.

Mischief and evil are used interchangeably.


To be mischievous is not some little innocent acts.

Like the little white lie.

To be mischievous is to be led by demonic spirits that is leading you to be 
“wicked and evil” toward another or others.

This demonic spirit love to take control of our “Thinking Process” when we are mad or angry or feel hurt.


Wicked – Devising to do evil.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that when we “think” of ways to make a person feel hurt, harm, discomfort, for any reason, in God’s eyes we are wicked.  How we feel about it does not change the facts with God.  We do not have to feel wicked to be wicked.  Being wicked is based on what we are thinking.  


Carrying out our wicked plans is called evil and mischievous.  We have not been authorized by God to “get anybody back”.  This is called vengeance; vengeance belongs to God.  When we attempt to carry out vengeance on a person, we are stealing God’s Vengeance; now we could be in more trouble with God than the person you want to carry out vengeance on.


As guilty as we all are everyone should rush to “forgive”.

The Bible says, if you do not forgive, that you will not be forgiven.


He who lives in glass houses should not throw stones, we all live in glass houses!


To be a mischievous person is a really bad thing.

Fools take pride in being mischievous; my people perish due to lack of knowledge!

The hand of God is against the mischievous person.

In our society, a “mischievous spirit” is not a horrible thing.  

Beware, for it is a real horrible thing in God’s sight, no matter how common place and acceptable it is or might become to us.


The Light of God’s Word keeps life in prospective!


We are commanded to “Study” God’s Word, 

so that we know what is true and acceptable to Him; we are held responsible. 


The Bible tells us that evil and wickedness cannot stand in God's presence.

Evil and wicked are spirits that inhabits peoples Minds (hearts) and lead them to live in rebellion to God’s Word, The Bible.

The individual who allows evil and wicked to inhabit their minds (heart) will not be able to stand in God’s Presence.


Being wicked and evil is evidence that I have rejected Jesus.


God’s Word is What Governs All Of Life.


Ask God to Bless You To Live A Life Free From


And Watch What Happens!


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