The "Sure" Cure!

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and “nothing” shall be impossible unto you.  Howbeith this kind goeth not out but by “Prayer and Fasting”.  (Matthew17:20&21)



The “Sure” Cure!


The Spirit World Controls The Physical World!


In our Daily Nugget

Jesus is answering a question that the disciples had asked him.  A father brought his demonic possessed son to the disciples for them to drive the demon out of his son.  The disciples tried to drive the demon out but was unable to do it.  The demon did not obey their command to come out of the boy.  They had driven out demons before, using the same technique; but it did not work, this time.


In our society today, we do not use the term “demon possessed”, we use the term “mental illness”.  What we call mental illness is the same thing the people in our Daily Nugget called “demonic possessed”.  That which worked then will work today.


The disciples took the boy to Jesus. 

Jesus told the demon to come out of the boy and to never enter him again.

The disciples asked Jesus, why we could not drive the demon out of the boy?

Jesus told them that it was due to their unbelief; belief and unbelief are spiritual.


“By Faith”

we will be able to put out “every” fiery dart, shot at us by the wicked one;

this is what "The Word” tells us.


“By Faith”

We can speak to  “physical and spiritual” mountains, and they will obey us.

Jesus said to us that “nothing shall be impossible” for us.


Jesus added a footnote; This kind of demon only respond to much 

“Prayer and Fasting”.


The “Sure Cure”; the combination of 

prayer mixed with fasting will drive out the most tenacious demons. 

Demonic possession is a “huge” problem in our society today.  The Bible is our instruction manual on how to apply the “sure cure” for demon possession.  Our “sick care system” cannot charge an insurance company to treat “demonic possession”; they can charge for treating “mental illness”.  Therefore, no one is diagnosed as “demonic possessed” because they can’t make money from it.


This is where Kingdom Citizens are “Salt”, and “God’s Lighthouse”.


Through studying the Bible, we can identify demonic possession.  The world, due to the love of money, will not call it what it is.  God is depending on His “Ambassadors”, you, and me, to live in such a way that “His Light”, shining through us on a dark world destined to hell, might be saved.


If we “believe” we will see the glory of the Lord!

If we “do not believe”, we will not see the glory of the Lord!


There was a major “war” going on, the home government gave it’s soldiers the most powerful weapon created for the fight; the soldiers refused to 

“utilize” the weapon.


Ask God To Bless You To “Utilize” the Weapons of

“Prayer and Fasting”

And Watch What Happens!


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