
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with “virtue”, and “virtue” with knowledge.  (2 Peter 1:5)




Virtue – Conformity to a standard of right: “morality”: “ a particular moral excellence”: a beneficial quality or power of a thing.


Virtue is viewed as the habitual capacity of a person to respond freely and consciously to situations in a manner that reflects and intensifies his conformity to Jesus The Christ.


Morality – Ethical laws and principles imposed by God upon humanity, violation of which warrants divine retribution.


“God Has Given Us Everything We Need” to “Live Our Purpose”!

Nevertheless, God says that “we” should “add” to what he has given to us!

Us “adding” to what we have been given is called “growth”.

Continued growth is essential to “right living”.

Anything that does not grow, “dies”!


Salvation is a gift. 

However, once we receive the gift of salvation, then “our work” starts.


Our Daily Nugget

Starts out with the words, “for this very reason”.

 This very reason is what was explained in verses 1-4 of 2 Peter 1.

Our Faith “has been” given to us by God due to what Jesus did.  Grace and peace 

“will be” given more and more unto us because we “know”

 God and Jesus, our Lord.


By Faith, we can do all things.  

We must “believe” this sincerely and with “no doubts”, for it to work.


We are commanded to “Think on Virtue”!

Virtue is one of the things we are commanded to add to the Faith that God gave us.


Virtue starts with a “decision” to make “The Bible”, our instruction manual, our road map to life, living and death.  This decision is our way of telling God that we are trusting and depending on The Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.  


“The Bible” is our first and last counsellor on what is right and wrong.  The Bible leads us in or out of our traditions and in our religions, as the Holy Spirit see fit.


Jesus said, 

“My sheep hears my voice and none other will my sheep follow!


Committing to living a life of virtue is evidence that we have made Jesus our Lord and Savior and not just our Savior.  When we chose to live the way we decide, after we say we have made Jesus our Lord and Savior, is evidence that we lied.  Virtue “will not” be seen in the living of the individual who lied.  


To commit to virtue is to declare that I have allowed Jesus to “save” me, therefore He is my Lord and Savior.  As him being savior I rest in the fact that I am not going to hell.  As Lord I am committed to obeying Him and doing what He tells me to do.  


A Lord commands and a Savior saves; Jesus must be both!


Refusing to die to self, 

means Jesus has not saved us, because we will not allow him to be our Lord.


Ask God to Bless You To Add

Virtue to your Faith and to your Virtue to add Knowledge,

And Watch What Happens.


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