Fair and Just!

A nation will be strong when it has a fair and just king. A nation will be weak when it has a king who is selfish and demands gifts. (Proverbs 29:4)


Fair and Just!


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us that the “destiny” of a nation will be strong when the king is fair and just.  A nation will be weak when its king is selfish and demands gifts.  We can substitute the word nation with the words, family, a Church, any group, a person.


Fair – Marked by impartiality and honesty: free from self-interest, prejudice, or 



Just – Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good: righteous,

          according to the Bible.


The United States does not have a King, we have a democracy. 

Our nation is “designed” to operate in “disobedience” to this scripture.

In the United States politicians must go to rich people and solicit “bribe money” before they can even run for office.  We call this “campaign finance”.  When these politicians get in office they are not “fair nor just”, because they “must” do what the rich people whom they took the “bribe money” from tell them to do.


The United States is “being” “weakened” in many ways for this evil.

Churches are being “weakened” in many ways for this evil. 

Families are being “weakened” in many ways for this evil.

God’s Kingdom is suffering in many ways due to this evil.


We can never get to “right” by going “wrong”!


Being as “Fair and Just” as we

 can to everybody whom we have any dealings with is 

“Wisdom” and “Love”!


This way of living is also very, very pleasing to God.

When God is pleased with us, good things happen to us.

When God is displeased with us, bad things happen to us.

We will never be just and fair when “selfishness” is guiding our thinking process! 

The demon of “Get Mo” will never allow us to be just and fair. The demon of Get Mo is cousin to Me, Me, Me. The Bible tells us that always wanting more and more for ourselves is idolatry, the same as worshipping a false god.


Being “fair and just”, requires using “equal weights and equal measures”.

The ends cannot justify the means for the Kingdom Citizens.

We must not “cheat” people!


Being fair and just brings blessings, being unfair and unjust brings cruses!


Kingdom Citizens living in a land where the King is not fair nor just, or the democracy is not fair or just, must be “extremely diligent” in our dealings with people; for in the United States, we are “taught” to be “unfair and unjust” from an early age. The leaders in our country comes from us; if they are unfair and unjust, what does that say about us?


A heart, mind, committed to “obedience” and “love” will protect us and keep us on the strait and narrow way in the midst of a nation that is unfair and unjust.


Ask yourself these questions; 

Am I fair and just?

Do I treat people the way I want people to treat me?

Answer them honestly.  God knows.


Ask God to Bless you to be 

“Fair and Just”

And Watch What Happens!


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