Receiving - "The Fruit of Giving"!

“Give” to others, and you “will receive”.  You will be given much.  It will be poured into your hands-more than you can hold.  You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap.  “The way” you give to others is “the way” God will give to you.  (Luke 6:38)


Receiving - “The Fruit of Giving”!



In The Kingdom, 

through giving away of that which we have, we add more to that which we have.

In The World,

through giving away of that which we have, we take away from that which we have. 


Kingdom Citizens Utilizes “New Math”!

This New Math works rather we are giving “right” or “wrong”.

The fruit from the right things we do will be beneficial and good for us.

The fruit from the wrong things we do will not be beneficial, but, bad for us.

Even when we get what we want.


The Bible is the Instruction Manual for Kingdom Citizens.

Religion and tradition, man-made rules are the Instruction Manuals for the World.


To Give is a “guarantee” that we will Receive!


To “see” 

where my giving away from that which I have is going to be a loss to me, which will cause me to have less, “could be” an indication that what God has given me has become “my god”.  Whatever I have, I have received it due to God’s Blessings.  If I am not careful, “Those Things” just might have become “my god”.  I did not bring those things into this world with me, God gave them to me.  For me to be willing to “give some away”, is to “Honor God”.  For me to be so selfish to keep all that I have be “given” is to “Dishonor God”.


Jesus said to us, to not Love the world, nor anything in it.

He also said, “It is better to give than to receive”.

Through Giving, we receive the blessings from giving and from receiving.

And God is “Pleased With Us”!

When God is pleased with us, Good Things Happens to us.


A “selfish spirit” will “always” say to “its host”, 

“You Can’t Afford To Give, You Need All You Have For You”!

“Faith” will tell us that; If we have anything, we have enough to give.


Our Daily Nugget

is God’s Way of making sure that everybody’s needs are met through everybody giving to one another.  A good sign that the Holy Spirit is controlling our thinking process is when we have “all things in common”.


When one has too much, he 

would not have too much; and when one has too little, he would not have too little.

This is the way God set up life in The Kingdom.


God is the one who has given each of us what we have.

To be willing to give from it to others, is a way of telling God, “Thank You”!


Ask God to Bless You With Victory Over 

“The Spirit of Selfishness” with “A Giving Spirit”,

And Watch What Happens!


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