Will God Listen When We Call?

So, the Lord All-Powerful said, “I called to them, and they did not answer (listen).  So now, if they call to me, I will not answer” (listen).  (Zechariah 7:13)


Will God Listen When We Call?


God will not listen to us, when we do not listen to Him.


God does not answer all prayers.

Obedience is a prerequisite for answered prayer.

Obedience to the Bible, not obedience to religion and tradition.

Obedience to religion and tradition and disobedience to the Bible, will result in

“Unanswered Prayers”.


The prayers of the righteous (right livers) avail much.  The righteous are those who listen when God calls; otherwise, they obey.  By contrast, the prayers of the unrighteous does not avail much; those who chose to “not listen” when God calls.


God does not answer our prayers when we chose to live a life of sin.

Jesus’ death did not give us a “green light” to sin; for the wage of sin is still death.


Some say, since Jesus died for all our sins, we can sin as much as we like and still go to heaven when we die.  We say these two ways, with our mouths and with our lifestyle.  This is not what the Bible say.


What have you prayed for lately, where the prayer was not answered?

Are you still struggling with the same issues for years or decades?

God will not listen to you, if you do not listen to him.!


“I’m Grown”!

These two words have led many astray.

Oftentimes this is a statement we hear when a person is confronted with confrontation with what they want or are doing.  I’m grown; therefore, “nobody tells me what to do”, I do what I want to do.  This mentality will produce unanswered prayers and run the risk of making us any enemy of God.


The Word says,

unless we “humble” ourselves like children, we will not enter The Kingdom.



The Wage of Sin is “Still Death”!

In order for Jesus’s death to bring us salvation we must

“Repent” from “Sin”!


Ain’t nobody perfect.

This statement is often used when someone chooses to sin over and repeatedly.  In the world, this statement releases a person from quilt from sin in their eyes; but God does not release them.  The world’s definition of perfect and God’s definition of perfect are not the same.


The Word’s definition of perfect is a heart (mind) “committed” to obedience. 

The world’s definition of perfect is to never do anything wrong. 

God never required us to obey the world’s definition of perfect.


Are you committed to obedience or disobedience?

The answer to this question, lets us know if we listen when He calls or not.

Do we “seek” to obey the Bible, or do we “seek” to obey Self’s desires, the flesh?

Make no provisions for the flesh.


We Need Our Prayers Answered!


Ask God to Bless You With The Heart, Mind, That

“Listens When He Calls”

And Watch What Happens!


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