Deluded to Delusion.

For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe “the lie” and so that all will be condemned who have not believed “the truth” but “have delighted in wickedness”.  (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)


Deluded to Delusion.


Since God Loves Everybody, 

“Why Would He Send” a “Deluding Spirit on Someone”?

The people “believed a lie” about Jesus and rejected “The Truth” about Jesus.


God sent The Truth to the people through Paul to Protect Them from The Lie Before He Brought Destruction; that they might repent and be saved.

There is never a good reason to continue to believe a lie.



Deluded - Believing something that is not true. The lie.  (We are held responsible by God to know The Truth).

Delusion - A false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions, the heart/mind.

Delighted - Feeling or showing great pleasure.

Wickedness - “Bad”, “worthless”, “corrupt”, opposing God and His will, opposing Jesus the Messiah, and opposing the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.


Our Daily Nugget

Start out with; “For This Reason”.

Paul is explaining to the people of Thessalonica that “The Day of The Lord”, Jesus’ Return, “had not” already occurred.

This was the lie.


The Truth Is:

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. (2 Peter 3:10)


To “Dilute” The Truth, The Bible, will lead to “Delusion”!

To dilute the Truth, gives Satan a “beachhead” to operate from in our hearts/minds.

God’s Word, the Bible is “The Truth” and it is the “Only Truth”.

Delusion walks with Depression.


If we do not know what The Truth is, we Can Not “recognize” the lie.



to show yourself as an “Approved Worker”, “rightly” dividing the Word of Truth.


Our Daily Nugget 

is also letting us know that if we “Dilute the Bible”, God’s Word, that our hearts/minds will “delight” in “wickedness”.


Delight – Feeling or showing “great pleasure”.

Wickedness -  “Thinking” of bad, hurtful, harmful things to do to others.

Evil – “Doing” the wicked things thought of.


To delight in wickedness is to make God Our Enemy.

If my heart/mind say that you “deserved” what I did to you,

I can then, just look for God to say to me, I will now give you what you “deserve”.

None of us “want what we deserve”.


Jesus said, “I Am The Way, the Truth, and the Light”; follow Me.


Ask God to Bless You with The Wisdom 

To “Always Believe” The Truth, and to “Never Believe” The Lie, 

as this will “Protect You from being Diluted to Delusion”,

And Watch What Happens.


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