Never Alone.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are “with me”; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  (Psalms 23:4)

Never Alone.


It would be considered negligence for a parent to leave their child “alone”.


Our Daily Nugget 

is part of David’s acknowledgement that

“The Lord is His Shepherd” and “The Lord is Our Shepherd”.


David, as a young lad and as King, went through many hardships where he had to depend on God. Throughout his life he created a legacy of depending on and trusting God to fight his battles or to give him the strength to fight his battles.  Practice makes perfect; practice made trusting God perfect for David and practice will make perfect, us trusting God.


God is the same God,

if we live like David lived, we’ll cultivate our faith like David cultivated his faith.

Hence, we will “fear no evil”, for we will know that God/Love is “With Us”.

There is no fear in Love.


There is not a doubt in David’s heart/mind, that

“The Lord was With Him”

therefore, he feared no evil.  David knew that there is no fear in Love.

God is Love.


Look at the “Promise” God has made to Kingdom Citizens.


I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  (Luke 10:19)


This authority has been given to us; we manifest this power as we “Walk in The Light, As He Is in The Light”.  We cannot exercise this authority if we chose to live a sin-filled lifestyle.  Living a sin-filled lifestyle is a decision to “Not Walk in the Light”.  A sin-filled lifestyle is darkness.


Our Father has provided for us all we need to do the work that He has called us to do.  We must follow the instructions that He has given us in the Word, the Bible.  Obedience to the Word is not optional.  It is through obedience that Jesus makes the 

“Resources of the Kingdom” available to us.


David had “experiences” of God “Protecting Him”; by now David is a 

“Veteran” at “Trusting” God.


This is the type of “Jackets we Want to Wear”.

Veterans at Trusting God, never hurries and never worries, they are as bold as a lion, as humble as a lamb, do not love the world, nor the things in it.  

Their hearts/minds are stayed on their “Purpose”. 


Become a Veteran at Trusting God.  Start “Practicing Today”.


When God is “With Us”,

know that He is a participant, a partner with us in our Actions and in our Reactions.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom

to live with the awareness and confidence that comes, when God is With Us,

And Watch What Happens.


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