Protected Through "Faith".

God’s power “protects you through your faith”, and it keeps you safe until your salvation comes. That salvation is ready to be given to you at the end of time. (1 Peter 1:5)

In addition to all of these, “hold up the shield of faith” to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. (Ephesians 6:16)


Protected Through “Faith”.


Faith means relying completely on who Jesus is and what he has done to have made us right with God.  Trust In and Loyalty to God.


God tells us that,

He has given Jesus “All Power” in Heaven and on Earth.


We all “know” that Jesus is “able”.

But do we all “trust” Him to Protect Us?

God “has given” each one of us, “a Measure of Faith”.

Trusting Jesus to handle things is our way of

 “Holding Up The Shield of Faith” and “Exercising Our Measure of Faith”.


Our Daily Nugget is God encouraging us today to

“Walk on By Faith”.


Before we Fret or Chose Our Way, “Pray”.  Ask God for “Help”.

This honors God and is evidence that humility reins in our heart/mind.

God humbles the proud, but He “lifts up” the humble.

Humble people “Trust God” to fight for them.


The scripture says that we 

Kingdom Citizens is to Live By Faith and Not by Sight.


The more we “Practice Trusting Jesus”, the stronger our Faith will become.

Remembering how He delivered us in the past, will help us to use our Shield of Faith to protect us, instead of us trying to protect us.


Look at Faith like a muscle, “The more we exercise it, the stronger it gets!


There is a term, “Step Out on Faith”.

To step out on Faith, is a way of dying to self to run our life, or to figure out how to act or to react to a situation.  It might look a little scary when we first start stepping out on faith, but don’t worry at all,

“Your Deliverer Is Coming”.


Your Deliverer is Standing By.

He has sent his Angels to guard you.

He has sent His Holy Spirit to speak to you and guide your way.

His son Jesus, who brought you salvation from the “penalty” of sin, is now at the Right-Hand Side of God Saving you from The Power of sin.


Our Exercising our Faith

is our way of saying to Jesus, that “I Trust You To Do Your Job”.

God said, it we resist the devil, he would flee from us.

Exercising our faith is a way of resisting the devil.


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom To

“Just Trust Him”,

And Watch What Happens.


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