Trouble Don't Last Always!

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not ‘grieve’, for the ‘joy’ of the Lord is your strength.”  (Nehemiah 8:10) 


Trouble Don’t Last Always!


Nothing On This Earth Is Meant To Last Forever – Even Trouble.

When God Brings an End to the Trouble He Sends, It Is Time To Rejoice.

Everything Has a Beginning and An Ending.


Grieve – Response to a loss.  The loss, His people chose a “god” over “God”.

Joy – A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.


Our Daily Nugget

occurs after the Walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt and the exiles had returned from the lands that God had sent them into captivity in, due to their sins and having gods, other than God leading their Hearts/Minds.


God had blessed the people with much material blessings, peace, security, good health, and the people repaid God by forgetting about Him and made the Blessings from God, their god.  This made God very angry, and God sent people to conquer their land and sent them into captivity in other countries.


The people were not joyful while in captivity, they were “grieving” due to the loss of their freedom, their homes, their dignity, their rights, and all that they held dear.  


God had made Life “Good” For Them!

God Has Made Life “Very Good” For Us!

Have we forgotten Him, by replacing our affection and time 

from doing what He Commands to doing the things that brings us “Pleasure”?

His Command to us is “To Love”!


How much time do we spend in each 

twenty-four-hour period doing what God commands, compared to what we desire?


God whipped, punished the people because they did not have Him first; when God is not first, Satan is; even if we are not aware of it, God is Aware of It.  And not keeping Him First makes Him Jealous. God has too much power to go around making Him jealous.  He still sends people into captivity today, due to their sins.


God is still a Good Father 

and He still Whips and Punishes His Children due to Disobedience and Sin Today.


Never allow the “Blessings” to replace the “Blesser”!

If we do, we will end up in “Mental/Spiritual Captivity”.

Satan will control our Heart/Minds, and our actions will be fulfilling “His Will”.


No or little desire to be in His Word, 

could be an indication that the blessings are starting to replace The Blesser.


Who or What controls our Thinking Process, 

our Heart/Mind controls the Things We Do and The Things we Don’t Do.


Just “Turn on The Light” and “Keep the Light On”.

Darkness and Light Cannot Occupy The Same Place at the Same Time.

The Light is God’s Word, The Bible.


God says to us, “Rejoice Always, Again He Says Rejoice”!

Obey Him!


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom to

“Rejoice Always”

And Watch What Happens.


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