
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?  Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?  (Galatians 3:1-3)




Who Has ”Bewitched” You?

Who has taken over your “Thinking Process”?


You started out with Christ, are you now trying to end on your own “smarts”?


Bewitched – A magical spell, black magic.  Signifies to deceive and lead astray by juggling tricks and pretended charms.


Witch – A woman believed to have magical powers.


In our Daily Nugget

Paul is at his “wit’s end” due to the “fickleness” of the Galatian people. 


Very often today we hear statements like this from people who say that they are Christians; “the Bible is so old, we need to adjust our understanding”, just yesterday a lady said to me that we cannot live like the Bible say, that was for “that time”, not “this time”.  Both people were age fifty or older, raised in Church, been in Church all their lives; but now the Bible, the Only Instructional Manual given to us by God; is now “rejected”, in order to “satisfy self”. 


Both people wanted to 

live in a way that was opposite to the way the Bible say that Christians should live.


I wanted to ask both people, 

“Who Has Bewitched You”?  “Who Has Put A Magic Spell on You”?


The same demonic spirit that bewitched the Galatians are bewitching people today who say they are Christians but reject “The Word” for “the world”; it is the “demon of selfishness”.  A selfish spirit controlling our Thinking Process will always reject The Word for the world.

This is the same demonic spirit of selfishness, that spoke to Eve; you see how He used a very popular form of deception called “lying” to Eve.  Satan directs his demonic spirits to get us to take our “eyes off Jesus” and to place our “eyes on things we want”.


Foolishness, makes good 

sense to a person whose thinking is controlled by the Demon of Selfishness!  


To think that we “start” on this Christian Journey by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and now thinking that we can “end” this Christian Journey on our own, by obeying self, is “foolishness”, like a person who has been “bewitched”.


To reject the Bible, the Word, is to “Reject Jesus”!


People who say they are Christians 

but feel like the Bible is “too much” has been “bewitched!


To be a friend of the world makes us an enemy of God.  We cannot have two masters.  God must be God all by Himself.  The first of the ten commandments are “Thou shall have no other ‘god’ before me”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to “Stick with The Lord”.

Stick with The Lord, and the Lord will “Stick with You”.

Now, Watch What Happens!


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