From God, to Jesus, to Us; "Power".

Jesus said to them, “I saw Satan falling like lightning from the sky”.  He is the enemy but know that “I have given you more power than he has”.  I have given you power to crush snakes and scorpions under your feet.  Nothing will hurt you.  Yes, “even the ‘spirits’ obey you”.  And you can be happy, not because you have power, but because your names are written in heaven.”  (Luke 10:18-20)


From God, to Jesus, to Us; “Power”.


God gave to Jesus “All Power”, 

Jesus gave to us “Power” over “The Physical and the Spirit Worlds”!


We must “Believe” this, before we “Receive” this!

This scripture becomes “real” for us, as we “walk in obedience to the Word”.

A sin filled life, forfeits our ability to live this scripture.

As we “die to self” we will live this scripture.


Do you really believe that we people can “speak” to the demonic “spirits”, and they “must” “obey us”?  If you believe the Bible, the answer must be “Yes”!  Did you know that God “has given” us this kind of power?  We cannot claim that I should not suffer because “I didn’t know”.


God has commanded us to “Study”!

If we “refuse” to Study, we are living in sin right there.

To Study God’s Word is not just a “good idea”, it is  “Command from God”.

We were not born with knowledge of The Word, nor are we “infused” with knowledge of the Word when we first believe.


Being a student of the best instructor in the world is no substitute for study.

If we refuse to study, we will “flunk the ‘tests in life’ when they come”.

Do you consider yourself passing or flunking the test in life?

Do you love your neighbor as you love yourself?

This is “The Test”?


Knowledge breeds confidence, confidence leads to the exercising of our Faith.  By Faith, we can do “All Things” through Christ.  All things include speaking to the physical snakes (people) in life and speaking to the spiritual snakes (demonic spirits) in life.  Jesus has given us more power than the devil, Satan, has; when we “Believe” this fact, with “All Our Heart”, THEN, we will begin to “exercise the power that Jesus has given us”.


A “Lack of Faith” and “Continued Sin”,

will forfeit our ability to exercise this power in Our Living.

Continuing to live in this state is evidence that the demonic spirit is in control of our Thinking Process, our Hearts/Minds.  Our mouths will speak, and the rest of our body will act in accordance to who is controlling our

Thinking Process.


Have you heard people claim that they “put their foot on Satan’s neck” and they can “name it and claim it”?  All of that is tradition, or worse, but not the Word, the Bible.  There was a story in the Bible about someone speaking to the demonic spirits, he said, in the name of Paul who speaks in the name of Jesus, I order to come out of him.  The demon said, I know Paul and I know Jesus, but who are you”?  At that the demon came out of the man who was possessed with him and went into the man who was “acting like he knew what to do”.


We can do our greatest damage when we “mean well”.

“Knowledge” and doing the “Right Things” are “Too Important” 

to leave to chance; we have got to know the Right Thing to Do and Then Do It.

This combination is Wisdom.


Ask God to Bless You With 

“The Wisdom to Live Our Daily Nugget”

And Watch What Happens!


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