
Daniel always prayed to God three times every day. “Three times every day”, he bowed down on his knees to pray and praise God. Even though Daniel heard about the new law, he still went to his house to pray. He went up to the upper room of his house and opened the windows that faced toward Jerusalem. Then Daniel bowed down on his knees and prayed just as he always had done. (Daniel 6:10)




I heard a man say,

We Are The “Sum Total” of “Our Habits”!

Ninety-five percent of the things we do are “Learned Habits”.

Learning the “Correct Habits” are “Critical” to our ability to Living Holly!


Habit – A “settled” or “regular tendency” or “practice”.

Our habits are formed in our Thinking Process, this determines our heart/mind.


Through the constant repetition of a “thing”, we turn our conscious awareness of a practice of that thing, into a “automatic habit”; like walking and talking.  We were not born knowing how to walk and talk, but we learned and got better and better until we did not have to consciously consider “how to say the words”; we say the words now without even “Thinking” about how to say them; so it is with walking.


In our Daily Nugget

we are told about a “habit” that Daniel had developed of “Praying Three Times Each Day to God”.  Daniel also had a habit of praying at the same time each day. Remember our adversary, the devil, roams around like a roaring lion seeking  “willing host”; to lead them to be “wicked and evil” toward people who are committed to “right living” and have been blessed by God.


We see this in our Daily Nugget!


The devil found his willing host in the other government leaders who were jealous of Daniel, for the King had made him second in command of his kingdom, above all the other officials.  They could find nothing wrong in Daniel’s Work, so they “thought up” an “extremely ‘wicked’ plan” to have Daniel killed due to his “habits”.


There are “Good Habits” and there are “Bad Habits”!

Good Habits leads to “Life”.  Bad Habits leads to “Death”!


Daniel’s faithfulness to his “good habits” took him into a storm and his faithfulness to his good habits protected him and delivered him through and from the storm.


Daniel “committed his works” unto the Lord.  The Bible says, when we “commit or trust our works unto the Lord”, that the Lord will bless our imagination, our ways of handling situations, He will make them be erect, correct, and prosperous.


The jealous, wicked, and evil, government officials allowed Satan to lead them to be “Ditch Diggers” for Daniel; the devil found its willing host.  The Bible says, if we dig a ditch for someone that “we will fall into it”.


The ditch, “the lion’s den”, that the Ditch Diggers dug for Daniel, is the ditch that The King had them thrown into. The lions that were next to Daniel all night long never attack him; the lions pounced on the Ditch Diggers immediately.  Ditch Diggers do not “Love their neighbor as they love themselves”; they are not fair nor just, nor kind.  They return good with evil; they make themselves “God’s Enemies”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom that 

“Produce Good Habits”

And Watch What Happens!


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