No Worries!

Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against them that work unrighteousness.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.  (Psalms 37:1&2)

No Worries!

Don’t Fret Due to Evil Doers!


Our Daily Nugget

is David giving us advice on how to think concerning people who are “evil” and people who chose to live “unholy”.  Our Daily Nugget also tells us the “destiny” of evildoers and people who live unholy.


For those of us who are saved, we have only been saved from the Penalty of Sin, we still must deal with the Power and Presence of Sin until we die or until Jesus comes back.  Saved people live like saved people, unsaved people live like unsaved people.


Being evil is the “action arm” of “Wicked Thinking”.

No one can be an evil doer without first being a “Wicked Thinker”.


Wicked – “Thinking” up, conjuring up, bad, harmful, hurtful things to do to another.

Evil – “Doing” the wicked things thought up or conjured up in our heart/mind.


When we chose to exercise our wicked ideas on people, that choice “graduates” us from just wicked thinking to evil doing.  Too often when being wicked and evil is discussed, the names of people like mass murderers and people who has dismembered people comes up.


Whenever and for whatever “reason” we chose to be mean to a person, unkind, that is wicked, we do not have to go beat up people or do horrific physical harm to them to be evil.


Two Examples of Evil:

1.   The cheerleader who was mad at her rival for getting the top cheerleader position over her.  She became wicked in her heart/mind by thinking up ways to make her hurt.  She chose to squirt toothpaste on her rival’s doorknob.  This graduated her to “evil”.  Now she is an evil doer.


2.  The man who had all he was going to take from his unneighborly neighbor.  He thought up wicked things to do to his neighbor.  He chose to burn his neighbor’s house down with him and his family in it.  This graduated him to “evil”.  Just like the cheerleader.  Now he is an evil doer.


Remember, the only thing Adam and Eve did was “eat a fruit” they were told not to it and their sentence was “death”.  To obey or to disobey is the point.  Being evil is an ultimate act of disobedience.  No matter how common being evil becomes, to God being evil, in any form, is still “really bad”.


Evil is what God considers evil!

Wicked and Evil is what they are, not what we consider them to be. 

God says, if we return evil for good, we will never get evil out of our house.

God acts and reacts based on what wicked and evil are.

God says, there is “no peace” for the wicked.


All “The Word” is given to us for our Benefit and Direction.

The Word becomes real, beneficial for us as we walk, live, in it; do what it says.


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom To Be 

“Patient” with “Evildoers”, understanding that they are a “Temporary Problem”,

And Watch What Happens.


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