Saved from the "Presence of Sin"!

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second, not to bear (deal with) sin, but to “bring salvation to those who are ‘waiting’ for him”.  

(Hebrew 9:27 & 28)


“Saved” from the “Presence of Sin”!


Are You “Waiting” For Him?

All Those Who are “Waiting” for Him, “Will Be Saved” from the Presence of Sin!


Imagine a society were 

“No One”:

lied, cheated, stole, murdered, used unequal weights or unequal measures, was selfish, beard false witness against their neighbors, sought revenge, allowed anger to guide their actions, would rob, hurt, or harm in anyway.  Where no one placed themselves ahead of their neighbor; or no one was more interested in getting more than in giving.


This is what Heaven in Heaven “Will Be Like” for the Kingdom Citizens.

This is what the 

Life of the Kingdom Citizen should “Be Like” while we are living here on earth.


We will not be Saved from the Presence of Sin until after we physically die.  However, Jesus has provided Salvation from the “Power” of Sin “Before We Physically Die”.  But to “access” this Salvation from the Power of Sin, we must “Die to Self”.  It no longer can be “my will be done”, “It must be God’s Will be done”.


Dying to Self is Salvation from the Power of Sin.


Jesus said, we Kingdom Citizens are “The Light of the world and there is no other light for the world”.  If we Kingdom Citizens do not allow God’s Light of Love to shine through our Living, then there is no Hope for World.  A Kingdom Citizen who has allowed sin to control their living has placed a lampshade over the light and therefore the area of that Kingdom Citizen’s influence will not have the light that, that Kingdom Citizen should have brought.  


We all have “A Work” to do, it’s called Purpose.

Jesus kept His Focus on The Prize – A Saved World for God.

If we keep our eyes on the Prize, Salvation from the Presence of Sin,

we will be able to allow God’s Light to shine through our Living Today.


The Bible says, 

Wise people think about death, Foolish people think about being happy.


“Thinking About” 

the time when we will be Saved from the Presence of Sin and how beautiful and lovely it all will be, can act as a “Rutter” to Guide us Wisely through this life today.

It will help us to hear and obey the Holy Spirit.


This Thinking enables us to “Carry Our Cross”, like Jesus carried His Cross.

To Carry Our Cross is not an easy thing, it was not easy for Jesus; Jesus cried out to God for Help; we must cry out to God for help.


Holy Living Today

 is the Best Insurance for the Life God has Planned for Us Tomorrow.


The Sufferings we endure today, the Tears we shed today, 

is nothing compared to the prizes God has for those who Carried Their Cross.


Ask God to Bless You to Focus on 

“Salvation from the Presence of Sin” and “The Wisdom to Carry Your Cross”,

And Watch What Happens.


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