
Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come’. But when the King came in to see the guests, He noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.  He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’  The man was speechless.  Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  For many are invited, but few are chosen’. (Matthew 22:8, 11-14)



The Proper Attire is Required – The Proper Attire is “Love”!

Jesus said, “If You Love Me, You Will Obey Me”. You cannot serve Two Masters.


Our Daily Nugget Is

The Parable of The Wedding Banquet.

The Kingdom of Heaven is “Like” a King who prepared a Wedding Banquet.

The Destiny of All people are either,

The Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of Hell.


Our Life and or our Death “Will Follow Our Focus”.  If our focus is on the King’s Invitation, we are following Life.  If our focus is on what Self Wants, we are following death.


The road that leads to life is narrow and hard, and there are few that chose that road. The road that leads to hell is wide and easy, and there are many that chose that road.

Hell was prepared by God, for Satan, his demons, and for all the people who was “too busy with self, the world” to accept the Kings Invitation to His Wedding Banquet.  These are the people who refuse to repent. 


The Invitation says, “Repent and Be Saved”. The invitation says, 

“You must Love the Lord with All your heart, soul, mind and strength” and

“You must Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself”.


Living for “Jesus” is evidence that we “accepted the invitation”.  We are no longer the “Old Creature”; we know this because our “Focus is New”, the things that use to be important to us and took first place in our time and attention are no longer first place; We Are New Creatures.


Living for “Self” is evidence that we “rejected the invitation”.  We are still the “Old Creature”; we know this because our “Focus is Not New”, the things that use to be important to us, are still important to us; We Are Not New Creatures.


Heaven and Hell are “Real Places”,

every person will spend eternity in one or the other; we chose!

Our Choice will show itself in “What We Do”, not in “What We Say”!

What we “do”, speak so loud, till no one hears what we say.


Love is “Doing”!

Going to Church and refusing to Love the Lord and to Love Your Neighbor

is the person who was not “Properly Dressed”.  The king ordered him to be bound, hand and foot, and then thrown into the darkness, where punishment and pain is.


These are the people who Jesus said,

Depart from me, you wicked people, I never knew you; wicked people don’t Love.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom To 

“Dress Your Heart/Mind in Love, As Proof, that you Accepted the Invitation”,

And Watch What Happens.


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