Keep Yourself in The "Love of God"!

                                               Keep Yourself in The “Love of God”!


Great!  One question, “How Do I Do That”; “Keep Myself” “In the Love of God”?


Keep yourselves in the Love of God, looking for the “mercy” of Our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  (Jude 1:21)


“Earnestly” contend for The Faith!

What do you really want?  What we really want is what we usually get!


Our Daily Nugget

is a command from God to us.  No command from God is “too hard” for us to obey, therefore we can “Keep Ourselves in the Love of God”.  God would never have commanded us to do this, knowing that we can’t.  This command is also a plea from God to us to do this for “our security and protection”.


To be “Outside of the Love of God”

leaves the Kingdom Citizen “defenseless” against the efforts of the devil.

Whenever we are outside of God’s Word, we are “Outside of The Love of God”.


God “Is” Love! – God and His Word, (Jesus) (The Bible) are “One”!

To “Be In The Love of God” is to “walk, live” in Obedience to the Bible. To walk and live in obedience to religion and tradition and to walk and live in disobedience to the Bible, still will land us Outside of the Love of God.  There is no Salvation (saving power) in religion nor in tradition.


If someone ask you, “are you a Christian”?  Do not answer by telling them your denomination.  If you believe in God and Jesus, your answer should be “Yes”.  The denomination does not matter.  Too often people will answer, I’m Baptist, I’m Catholic, I’m Evangelical. Do you know The Bible?


Know this, we can be near perfect in our obedience to religion 

and tradition and be ‘unfit’ to represent  a Holy God in His Kingdom here on earth.


The Bible says our best efforts 

are like “filthy rags” in God’s Sight. God is so Holy and Pure; we need His Mercy.


Our “Evil Desires” is what 

draws us away and gives birth to sin; sin will keep us outside the Love of God.


In the verses one through twenty of Jude, he reminded the people of their forefathers and how sin landed them outside the Love of God as  a “warning” to us.  


Jude exhorted the people to:

1.    Contend for the Faith.  Practice, work hard at exercising your Faith.

2.    Beware of false teachers; they love money and sex, as much as they can get.

3.    Remember how God saved Israel and then destroyed the ones He saved due to their “unbelief”.  This unbelief showed itself in “disobedience”.

4.    Remember the angels who decided to follow Satan.  They lost their secured and safe position with God; they had it but the lost it.

5. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah; that God destroyed them due to “homosexuality”.  God called it disgusting.

6.    Control what we say.  Failure to “control our tongue” is evidence of unbelief.

7.    Remember that the love of money is the “root of ‘all’ evil”.


Therefore, since this is how it is, “What Manner of People Should We Be”?


But ye, beloved, building up

yourselves on your “Most Holy Faith”, praying in the Holy Ghost. (Jude 1:20)


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom To

“Keep Yourself In The Love of God” and “Unspotted From The World”,

And Watch What Happens!


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