


God created us to have “relationship” and “fellowship” with Him.

Sin destroyed all that; the world, we, “Broke God’s Heart”.

Let us make sure that the person in our mirror

“Pleases God’s Heart”, Today!


God has done all this.  He has restored our relationship with Him through Christ and has given us this ministry or restoring relationships.  In other words, God was using Christ to restore his relationship with humanity.  He didn’t hold people’s faults against them, and he has given us this message of restored relationships to tell others.  Therefore, we are Christ’s Representatives, and through us “God is Calling You”.  We beg you on behalf of Christ to become “Reunited with God”.  

(2 Corinthians 5:18-20)


The Bible says,

“When you have been strengthened, go and get your brother”!

We must “tell” our brothers about the Good Thing that Christ has done for us!


The Whole Bible

is really a message of God’s Effort to restore the “relationship and the fellowship” that was broken between Him and man when Adam sinned by eating the fruit he was told not to eat.  This effort is the most important thing to God because He Loves Us and does not want us to spend “eternity in hell and suffering”.  This is not just suffering for a long time, this is suffering throughout eternity, time is no more.  Things will not get better tomorrow, there is “no tomorrow” in heaven or hell.


Firstly, God sent Jesus.  Jesus began the “Restoration Process”.

Secondly, Jesus sent You and I; we play “Our Part in the Restoration Process”.


Christ was God’s Representative; He Represented “Well”.

We are Christ’s Representatives; We must Represent “Well”.


To be “Reunited with God” is the “Most Important Thing Anyone Can Do”! To help “Reunite a person with God, is the most important thing any representative can do”.  The Bible says, “all of Heaven rejoice when ‘one’ person is saved”.  This is “the greatest act of Love we can commit” for anyone.


Love “Never Gives Up”!  God is Love: “Let Us Imitate Him”.


Jesus was “faithful” to the “fulfilling of His Purpose”.  His “focus” was always on His Purpose.  Our life and our living “will, must, follow our focus”.  Whatever we are focusing on today, lets us know what our life and living will be like tomorrow.


Sometimes the pain and agony we see when we focus, can cause us to “chose not to carry Our Cross”.  If this feeling occurs, don’t be alarmed, it happens to the best of us, it happened to Jesus.  When it happened to Jesus, He just prayed to the Father for help, until his help came.  His help gave Him the strength to walk on, live, by Faith.


Remember, Our Deliverer is Coming, He’s Always Standing By!


This “feeling” Jesus had was a “fiery dart”, shot at Him by Satan.

Prayer strengthens our “Thinking Process” to give us what we need to do what we must; this strength is called “Faith”.  God has promised that by Faith, we can exterminate every fiery dart shot at us by the wicked on. Yield not to temptation.


The Bible says, we can do all things through

Christ who strengthens us.  Believe it and make it real for you through “Living It”.


Ask God to Bless You To

“Live Like the Restored New Creature that You Are,”

And Watch What Happens.


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