The Demon of "Too Busy"!

                                                       The Demon of “Too Busy”!


Too Busy To Come to the Great Wedding Feast.

Too Busy is a “Hugh Problem” in our Capitalistic System.


Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a King who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, “But They Would Not Come”.  But they paid no attention and went off-one to his field, another to his business.  

(Matthew 22:1-3,5)


The King was truly “Hurt”, that His Servants did not consider Him nor His Son “Important Enough” to place on Hold what was important to them, to “Come to the Great Wedding Feast” of the King, to celebrate the Wedding of His Son.


This is a message to us to 

“Beware of Loving The World and the Things In It”!


Don’t let Being Too Busy become a “Status Symbol”!

“Only” what we do for Christ will last and be counted in the end!


Our Living Will “Always Follow” our “Thinking”, our “Heart/Mind”!

God judges our Motives, “Why” are we too busy doing these, Non-God Things”.


The Holy Spirit will never lead us to be Too Busy with anything to handle God’s Things.  The Demonic Spirit will “always” lead us to be too busy to handle God Things.  Being too busy in this sense is the same as “Trying To Catch The Wind”.


We Cannot Serve Two Masters. 

We Will Cling to One and Discard the Other. Remember, Satan is the 

Master of Deception.  He makes right seems wrong and wrong seems right.


Seek The Kingdom First and Its Right Living and “Be Safe”.

The darkness cannot dwell in such bright light when we Seek the Kingdom First.


Our Daily Nugget

is a message and a warning to us concerning what happens to our “priorities and sense of purpose” when handling “Worldly Things” becomes more important than handling “Wordly Things, Godly Things”.


In chapter twenty-one, Jesus is reaching out to the people with parables also, the two sons, the tenants, Jesus cursed the fig tree that looked healthy but bore no fruit.  We have been commanded to “Bare Fruit”.  When we “look” like Kingdom Citizens but our heart/mind is too busy “to do” Kingdom Citizen things, we are like this fig tree.  We can call this fig tree a “hypocrite”; one who practices deception, a pretender.


It is better to give than to receive.

We do not bear fruit when we “receive”, we bear fruit when we “give”!


What is the Purpose for Living if we “bare no fruit”!

Everything that God created, He said to it, be fruitful and multiply.

We Will Never Bare Fruit, As Long As We Are Living For Self, and not Christ!


Living for Christ leads to Life, Living for Self Leads to Death!


Jesus has sent each of us an Invitation to the Wedding.


The Invitation says, 

we must Wear the Proper Attire; the Proper Attire is “Love”; Dress Today!


Ask God to Bless You To Show Your Honor and Respect for the King By

“Dropping Everything to Celebrate with The King and His Son”,

And Watch What Happens!


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