After "Many Days"!

                                                            After “Many Days”!


God’s “Seed Principle” on “Giving” and “Receiving” and “Doing Now”!


Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it “after many days”.  He who observes the wind will not sow.  And he who regards the clouds will not reap.

(Ecclesiastes 11:1&4)


Our Daily Nugget 

is Solomon giving us instructions on giving and it’s fruit and on what we base our actions or our inactions on.  Do we first try to “figure it out before we do” or do we Trust God and just do what He says no matter what things look like?


God placed the seed in everything!

What guides our decision making, the Word or the World?

Observes – Notice or perceive (something) and register it as significant.


The best and purest way to receive much is to often give much.  God is telling us that it is coming back to you “after many days”.  To give, to plant, acts of Love each day, will guarantee that many acts of Love will be done unto us after many days.  God’s Seed Principle assures us of this fact, for God cannot lie, nor be wrong.


Trust and Patience are the mentality of a Farmer; this is the mentality, the spirit that we Kingdom Citizens need to obey our Daily Nugget.  The farmer plants the seed and cultivates the soil, this is his part. God causes the seed to lose its identity as an individual seed to become a factory of fruits and seeds all coming from the one seed that was planted and became a tree bearing much fruit and seeds.


There is a song that says, 

“This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let It Shine. This is all about loving people, doing for people what you would like people to do for you.  God blesses us and not a one of us are worthy of it.  I do not determine who to Love, God does; my job is Love them, not to determine if I should or how much I should love them.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Trust His Seed Principle Concerning

 “After Many Days”, it is “Coming Back”

And Watch What Happens!


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