By Life or By Death!

                                                              By Life or By Death!


The Righteous (Right Livers) 

are as Bold as a Lion but as Humble as a Lamb; Lambs are not afraid to die.


I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by “life or by death”.  (Philippians 1:20) 


Afraid or Ashamed to Die?

 “No guilt in life is no fear in death. 

Afraid – Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.

Ashamed – Embarrassed or guilty of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations.

We have been forgiven; therefore, we are not ashamed of our sin any longer.

We are guilty as a dog, but free as a bird, this is shame with thankfulness.


The righteous (right livers) are always constantly aware of the great amount of sin and wrongdoing “they have been forgiven of”.  Their righteousness breeds boldness,  and humility at the same time.  A repented heart/mind and right living free us of fear amid Holiness. 


Their wrongdoing (sin) breeds fear and pride, they refuse to repent from sinning and wrongdoing.  This unrighteous (wrong living) lifestyle leads to fear and arrogance.  Living an unrighteous lifestyle will cause us to be “afraid”  when we  die, for then we will be “amid Holiness; this will lead us to be afraid; we will no longer be able to hide our guilt.


There is “No Fear in Love”!


When we live our life for Christ, we will not be afraid to die; we will look forward to it with great anticipation.   To live for Christ is to: 1. Love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, 2. To love our neighbors as we love our selves.  Living life for Christ guarantees that Christ is “With Us”.


To die today spiritually to self, leads to living for Christ, physically.


Ask God to Bless You with a “Burning Desire” To Live Holy Today, 

Living Holy will lead you to be ready to die, not afraid to die,

And Watch What Happens. 


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