


Sheep With No Shepherd!

Until Jesus comes back, The Sheep Needs to be Sphered!

Jesus has chosen you and I, not them, to Shepherd the Sheep.


Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages.  He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives.  When he looked out over the crowds, “his heart (mind) broke.  So confused and aimless they were, “Like Sheep With No Shepherd”.  “What a huge harvest”!  Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.  (Matthew 9:35-38)


When Jesus looked at the “lostness” of the people, He Felt Compassion for them and this compassion “Moved” him to Shepherd, to “satisfy the needs of, the people.


Compassion – That (human) disposition that fuels acts of kindness and mercy.  It is a form of Love, that is aroused within us when we are confronted with those who suffer or are vulnerable.  It often produces action to alleviate the suffering.


When you see “lost people living and acting like lost people”, does compassion or disgust and anger brew up in your spirit?  We should act like Jesus acted, he felt compassion, this compassion moved him to alleviate the needs of the people.  


Compassion “Is Love in action”, it is not a feeling.

If I do not “do” for you, I have not Loved You; Love is Doing for Others!

Don’t worry about loving yourself, Let God do that; it will be a fruit of your doing!


To have no compassion or concern for the lost, and foolish, should cause us to have concern as to rather we “Know Jesus or Not”.  Remember Jesus said, not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom, but those who “Do” the Will of the father.  The will of the Father is to seek and save the lost, and to provide for the needs of the people.  This is Love.  Refusing to fill the needs of the people is noise.


Compassion leads us to Love, the “Wisdom” of Love leads us to Act!  


Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to allow your

Compassion to lead you to Love, as this will lead you to Shepherd the Sheep,

And Watch What Happens!


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