Our Power!

                                                                       Our Power! 

God gave Jesus “All Power”.

Jesus has given to us, “All the Power” we need to “Live our Purpose”. 


And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, “All Power” is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (Matthew 28:18)

Behold I give unto you “power” to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the “power of the enemy”: and “nothing shall hurt you”.  (Luke 10:19)


Satan has given his demons power to protect his kingdom.

Jesus has given us, Kingdom Citizens, power to protect His Kingdom.

Jesus has All Power, Satan doesn’t.

If we resist him, he will flee! 


A sin-filled life will prevent us from “Living This Scripture”!


If You “Believe”, you “Shall See”, the “Glory of The Lord”!

This is what Moses said to Israel when the mighty army of Egypt was coming in full force to destroy them, and the sea was in front of them.  There “appeared” to be no hope.  Our Daily Nugget lets us know that “nothing is too hard” for God.


To “Believe the Word” shows itself in our “living”!

All Power is in Belief, Trusting and Obeying Christ, The Word. 

To Trust in Christ, is to have “Access” to the Power that Christ has.


We place our Trust in that which we have “Faith” in.  To believe that Jesus has all power is “Understandable”, He is Jesus.  For you and me to have all power might not be as “Understandable”, for we are us; “but we do”.  


Our ability

to “Live Scripture” is in “Direct Proportion” to our Faith in “That Scripture”.

Kingdom Citizens can do “All Things” through Christ, He has given us The Power!

Ask God to Bless you with the 

Wisdom to “Exercise” the “Power” that he “Has Given” unto you,

And Watch What Happens!


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