The "Host"

                                                                       The “Host”!

Through our Thinking, our Heart/Mind,

We Tell the Spirit World if we are a “Willing Host for Them or Not”!


When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.  Then it says, “I will return to the house I left.”  When it arrives, it finds the house swept and clean and put in order.  Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and “they go in and live there”.  And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.  (Luke 11:24-26)


Our Daily Nugget is Jesus explaining to the people and to us how 

demonic spirits operate in our Heart/Mind.  In verse 23, Jesus said to them. 

“Whoever is not ‘with me’, and whoever ‘does not’ gather with me scatters”.


Are We “With Jesus”?

Right here is “Victory” over demonic spirits.  

Is the Light Of God’s Word turned “On or Off” in our heart/mind?  What are we Thinking about, what are our sincere desires?  Do we depend on truth or lies to live?

The answer to questions like these let the spirit know if you are a willing host or not.


If we Love the world and the things in it, this 

makes us a “willing host”; the spirit world knows what we Love and do not Love.


Use Wisdom, “Learn to Understand and How to Control the Spirits”.  If we don’t control the demonic spirits, the demonic spirits will control us.  Jesus “Has Given” us “power” over the demonic spirits.  We only need to “Exercise” this power.

Who or What “controls” our Thinking, “controls” our Living!


Demonic Spirits Roams Around Like a Roaring Lion Seeking A “Willing Host”!  With the Light of God’s Word “On”, the Darkness of Demonic Spirits Cannot Dwell There.  Fill your heart/mind with The Bible.  The Bible is the “Brightest Light Available”!  Darkness and Light cannot occupy the same place at the same time.


We Control “What” We Think, then “What” We Think Controls Us.


Ask God To Bless You With The Wisdom To

“ Control ‘What’ You Think” thereby avoid being “A Willing Host”,

And Watch What Happens!


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