The "Rudder" - The "Tongue"!

The "Rudder" - The "Tongue"! 

By “proper use” of the rudder, the pilot can guide a big ship, on rough seas, 

safely to its destination, the Bible is our instruction manual on use of the rudder.


Be careful “what you think” because “your thoughts run your life”.  Don’t use your mouth to tell lies; don’t ever say things that are “not true”.  Keep your eyes focused on what is “right” and look straight ahead to what is “good”.  (Proverbs 4:23-25)


Our “living” follows our “focusing”!

The mouth speaks what the heart/mind “has been filled with”.

The Rudder is “Controlled” by either the Holy Spirit or the Demonic Spirit!


What we “Think About” develops our “Thoughts”.

Our “Thoughts” are the “Beginning” of the “Things” “We Do”!

Whoever Controls the Rudder Determines “What We, the Ship Does!

Ask yourself, “is it a wise man or a foolish man that controls your rudder?

Our “words”, our “mouth”, lets us know who is “controlling” Our Heart/Mind.


The Bible Gives Instructions on How 

To Properly Steer the Rudder; It is Through “Thinking about the Right Things”!

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are “honest”, whatsoever things are “just”, whatsoever things are “pure”, whatsoever things are “lovely”, whatsoever things are of “good report”; if there be any “virtue”, and if there be any “praise”,

“Think On These Things”.  (Philippians 4:8)


When we fill our heart/mind with these things, our “thoughts”, which develops from our thinking, will lead our mouth to “Speak words that leads to life”, we will “Tell the Truth”, because we “depend” on truth and not on “lies”.  To “chose” to lie is evidence that we have be thinking about opposite things from what Paul told us to.  We disobeyed the Bible.  Never try to figure it out, Just Obey!


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to 

“Obey Fully Philippians 4:8, by ‘Thinking’ on These Things All Day, Each Day”

And Watch What Happens!


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