All You Need Is Love!

                                                          All You Need Is Love!


To “Have Love”, we must “Obey Love”


And this same God who “takes care of me” will supply “all your needs” from “his glorious riches”, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:19)


What is Love?  How can we tell if we “Have Love or Not”?


Look at this Biblical Definition of “Love”.

Love is “patient and kind”; Love does not envy or boast; Love is not arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way;  Love is not irritable or resentful; Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing; Love rejoices at the Truth.  (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)


When we choose “Not to Love” it is because in out Heart/Mind we obeyed the demonic spirit that told us to “Not Love”.  When we chose “To Love”, it is because we obeyed the Holy Spirit who told us “To Love”.


In Our Daily Nugget, Paul had just finished thanking the people for the gifts they had given to him to help him on his ministry journey.  Paul told them about how others had also helped.  Our Daily Nugget scripture is Paul telling them and us that God who takes care of Paul will also supply all their and our needs according to his glorious riches.  


For all this to apply to us, “We Must Love”!  

You can’t “fake” Love, because God is Love, and you can’t fake God.  To “attempt to fake God” is due to “wicked thinking”.  Jesus told those who “thought” they were saved to depart from them because they were “wicked people”.  The Bible says, “None but the Righteous shall see God”.  Righteous (right living) people Love. 


It is not Wise to Trust people who don’t Love!


Ask yourself prayerfully, “Do I Love”?

If you cannot “Truthfully Answer Yes”; Repent Now!

Can you say to yourself, “Yes I Love based on our Biblical Definition”?


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom To

“Love Like Jesus Loved”

And Watch What Happens!


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