

You can’t beat God Giving; No Matter How You Try! 


I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to “support the weak”, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to “give than to receive”.  (Acts 20:35)


Generous – Showing a readiness to “give more of something”, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.  Showing “kindness” toward others.


The Fruit of Humility!

Jesus, perfect example of Generosity.

Selfish people will never be known as generous.

Whatever we do to or for another, we do to or for ourselves!

When we give people things that they need, God gives us the things we need.


The scripture says, “give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together, running over”.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all about “giving”, being generous to people.  Kingdom Citizens is to be Christlike, “generous”; not hoarders, like the world.


We are taught in our society to place our time and energy into “getting as much as we can”, it is critical that we Kingdom Citizens train our hearts/minds to place more of our time and energy on “giving”.  Giving is better than receiving; which one do you do most of?  Ask the Lord to help you to be a “Cheerful Giver”.


God Loves a Cheerful Giver; it does not say, God Loves a Cheerful Getter!  The Bible says, giving to the poor is like lending to the Lord, He will repay.  Don’t Allow Greed and Selfishness to make you miss Your Blessings that comes with Being Generous, by “giving” to people. Being Generous cause chemical reactions to occur in our bodies that are physically healthy for us.


Being Generous is an “Act of Worship”!

Being Generous is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

 Refusing to be Generous is inspired by the Demonic Spirt of selfishness.


Ask The Lord to Bless You to Be 

A “Generous Cheerful Giver” because God said so,

And Watch What Happens to You and Your Household!


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