The Truth and The Wicked!

                                                        The Truth & The Wicked! 

Wicked People cannot stand the Truth nor the Truth Bearer. 


But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him.  Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him.  And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.  (Acts 7:57&58).


Kingdom Citizens is to “Speak The Truth in Love”!

It is very common that religious people don’t want to hear The Truth.


Truth – God’s Word, The Bible is “Truth”!

Wicked – Thinking of things to do to a person to cause them hurt, harm, discomfort.


What do you do when the people you’re speaking the Truth to “insist on going wrong” and are now “mad” at you for telling them they are wrong and now they want to get physical because they “know” they lost spiritually?  We do like Stephen, we Speak the Truth in Love.


Our Daily Nugget is about a man named Stephen who was a godly man who lived Holy, and he Spoke the Truth to this group of men.  He told them that they were just like their wicked fathers who crucified Jesus.  This group of men threw rocks at Stephen, hitting him with them until he died.  The Bible said God and Jesus took special notice of this stoning.


Always Welcome the Truth!

Never be afraid to Speak the Truth to the wicked.

Wherever The Truth takes you, The Truth can bring you back.


No one is born “Knowing the Truth”; therefore, we must obey the command to Study so that we know Truth and Error.  Truth leads to life, all outside of Truth, error, leads to death.  “Know” wicked, never be wicked; many are wicked and don’t realize it.


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom to

“Speak The Truth In Love Always”

And Watch What Happens!


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